CFL Closet Grow (Semi-Stealth)


Well-Known Member
Either move that big bulb lower in between the plants or turn it horizontal and hang it over the plants. You are wasting a whole lot of light with the way you have it hung now. Also the yellow leaves on the bottom mean that your plant is lacking nitrogen. The plant is using the stored nutes in the lower to leaves to keep itself fed. Add some nutes with nitrogen and your plants will look green and healthy again


Well-Known Member
Either move that big bulb lower in between the plants or turn it horizontal and hang it over the plants. You are wasting a whole lot of light with the way you have it hung now. Also the yellow leaves on the bottom mean that your plant is lacking nitrogen. The plant is using the stored nutes in the lower to leaves to keep itself fed. Add some nutes with nitrogen and your plants will look green and healthy again
I have some plant feed..
I'm going to look right now, I might give it some tonight..
And the lights how it is now cause simply whats hanging it can't support it so i can sit horizontal.


Well-Known Member
I have some Schlutz plant feed 8-14-4 i think.. I don't believe thats what I'm looking for though, but I may be wrong..


Well-Known Member
yeah that food should be alright to use but I would def look into some real nutes, not stuff from home improvement stores. Lower the bulb in between the three plants, the way it is hung now is just adding heat not shining light on the plants. Drop the light lower and surround the plants around it


Well-Known Member
yeah that food should be alright to use but I would def look into some real nutes, not stuff from home improvement stores. Lower the bulb in between the three plants, the way it is hung now is just adding heat not shining light on the plants. Drop the light lower and surround the plants around it
Alright, I'll post pictures of the set-up after I lower the light, etc.


Well-Known Member
So, I decided tommorow I'm going to go to lowes/home depot and see what I can find for a reflector..


Well-Known Member
You can use a piece of 6 inch duct like in this video, maybe it can give you an idea:



Well-Known Member
Thats great!
Sounds like it'll work for me..
I'll probably go to lowes tommorow and set it up!
Pics tommorow :)


Well-Known Member
SO!, the plant I topped I 100% believe is a male..
It will stay in my grow room till later today.. Then..
8< chop :)


Well-Known Member
Well everyone, I'm back after a little while of not posting.
Ever since I thought my plants were all female and 2 turned out male, I started to question if the other plant I thought was a female was a male..
Its not, Its a female and I decided to just focus all my light on her and see what I can do! :blsmoke::blsmoke:
I'll be updating nightly from now on, I've given her some schlutz nutrients aswell.

Heres a pic of a male that I had:-?:-?

Heres pictures from 2 days ago..
Updating with pictures from tonight in a little bit.



Well-Known Member
Heres an update with pictures from tonight :)


Heres some pictures showing how I have my lights/fans/etc setup :)

Let me know if you think it should be changed.


Active Member
im sorry but y in the front flippin fuck do folks keep sayin u should have usd hps... apparently they dont got the funds to buy a 200 buck light.. WE ALL KNO HPS IS BETTER THEN CFL so u can stop sayin that.. this is under cfl so stop bringin up hps FUUUUUKKKK


Well-Known Member
im sorry but y in the front flippin fuck do folks keep sayin u should have usd hps... apparently they dont got the funds to buy a 200 buck light.. WE ALL KNO HPS IS BETTER THEN CFL so u can stop sayin that.. this is under cfl so stop bringin up hps FUUUUUKKKK
...Was it really necessary to post this?


Well-Known Member
nice to see you back at my thread tom :mrgreen:
I'm considering ordering bloom nutes.. I'm just not sure of a good site to do it from.. any reccomendations?