CFL Closet grow opinions needed


Active Member
Well my friend bailed on his plant which was pretty messed up but i took it and repotted it and put it under some CFL's. Im not sure if i have the cfls set up too good but the plant seems to be doing better already and its only been one day. I have it on an 18/6 light cycle right now. any suggestions or opinions are greatly appreciated!



Active Member
thanks! the plant is 3 weeks old and was in a real small cup before i got it and was probably stunted a little. hopefully it just adapts to its new home soon. anyone know if it is safe to use Co2 in a closet?


Well-Known Member
How many watts you got there? Also drop that CFL lower to about 2-4inches away ;) as they dont get really hot keep it close ish and will get more results ;)


Active Member
yeah i was thinking it could be closer. the two small ones are 100watts and the big one is 300. Definately might get a HPS for flowering.


Active Member
Fuck it, roll with it man. Looks good so far. Make sure you got absolute darkness for off cycles. Careful, growing dope gets real addictive:) Read up on pruning techniques (FIM, topping etc.). They will pay off, and are great to learn on!