CFL closet grow (cheeeeap grow)


Well-Known Member
yeah i actually took 2 of my lights out, i want to make sure it gets out of the seedling stage and stars growing a bit before i add in the other 2. did the spots go away after you moved em?


Well-Known Member
good plan! I started with just 1 light on my mine until I had a couple of nodes on it and then I put one light for each leaf (yeah a little much some would say, but others would say ot enough. Now I have abotu 16 node sites and I've stopped at 5 lights in a sort of glass cocoon around the plant and it is doing fine. I got those same spots on my first set of true leaves and I freaked out until the leaf started to grow and now it is barely noticeable against all the rest of the green. Like the other cat said, just back off your lights and give them enought air. Good luck


Active Member
2much light? never heard of that. but i guess that's why 2 of mine haven't sprouted. i'm going to try that.


Well-Known Member
Day 4 - new pics

the grow box (freshly wrapped with shiny wrapping paper):

plant one (you can see in the foreground on the plant, the tiny orange-y spts) is the plant going to die or will they go away

plant 2, still growing strong

inside of box with plants and all

The plans stems are a little sketchy looking but i think it's just because they've been growing for the light and i keep turning them. I also added a piece of cardboard beside the hole where the fan was blowing, to direct some air towards that plant and maybe encourage the stem to strengthen (ill probably just alternate which plant sits there everyday)

How's it looking? Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Putting it simply.... I see a little green which means a few things. Small. Cheap. Simple. Effective! Goodwork!

One can hope for nothing more than to see a little green baby staring up at you from your planter... Unless your either in a porno or an alien movie. The first one is a bit anticlimactic and the second is just really scary after the proboscis appears...

Take care of those kids!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Anything I should be doing? Should I transplant them into bigger pots with soil all the way up to them? Is it too early to transplant? And will the burn go away?


Well-Known Member
So for the 4th or 5th time, are the yellow spots light brns or what?

Today I topped up the pots with some Schultz soil with a time release nutes, I also started using a very diluted solution of Miracle Grow liquid fertilizer for house plants. I know you shouldn't use nutes when they're young but I used a really small amount, and if anything happens I'm just going to stop.


Active Member
Did your dollar store soil have slow release nutes in the mix? Cause that seems to be a usual suspect. And yes, you are fertilizing too soon, as you already know. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I've been away for a while because of a family emergency but a friend was babysitting my plants, and they've grown a ton! I'll put some pictures up a.s.a.p!


Well-Known Member
SOorry there haven't been any updates. I just got a digital camera so hopefully there will be today or tomorrow. The plants are growing well though so don't lose faith. keep watching!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dude, for your own safety, be super careful about posting pics that show your tatoos. Those are easily identifiable marks and could quickly turn into evidence.