CFL closet grow (cheeeeap grow)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, subscribe to my post and watch/help with my first grow!

There were a few posts on another thread but it was dying and wasn't named right for a journal or anything.

Today is Day 3 (:leaf:x3) and the plants are doing great. They're a couple bagseeds that I germed to see what would happen, and unexpectedly cracked. I threw them in some dollar store potting soil and watered them.

Today one is about 2" tall (a little stretched) and the other is less than 1" but both have little serrated leaves coming up. I watered a little yesterday so I'm going to water again tomorrow and make sure those roots are growing well.

So in all, 2 decent sized healthy plants growing and all I've bought is:

2 dollar store pots
dollar store potting soil
2 Y sockets
2 26watt CFL's, and 2 23watt CFL's
and its all in a cardboard box lined with dollar store wrapping paper


Well-Known Member
Day 4

I'm going to go get some wrapping paper today for the inside of the box. Here's come really shitty pics from my laptop.

A third set of leaves opened on both the plants today.


Well-Known Member
There's also a hole in the box with a fan pointing on it to decrease the strength of the fan a little. I'm going to buy a timer tonight, and cover the inside of the box with either some mylar, or that shiny wrapping paper (heard that works too).


Active Member
Mylar pretty sexy stuff and Hell I still need to go mats for my own grow box when I get my place...


Well-Known Member
I just wrapped 2 pieces of bristol board with the opposite side of some shiny wrapping paper. I curved the board so it sits in the box in a circle around the plants, more pics soon.


Well-Known Member
Cheap is good. Keep 'em alive and healthy. I'm on board.
That's all I'm going for really. Personal smoke with a nice high. If I can pull it off with what I've bought, I'll be stoked. If not, I won't be too disappointed, I didn't buy the seeds so.


Well-Known Member
One of the plants has a little bit of orange on its leaves is that a burn from the light? I didn't think they were that hot, could it be anything else?


Active Member
what's up man....i just started my first grow in a bubble ponic system. and i seen the same colored spots on my leaves. i just moved the lights back a few inches. gool luck on your grow