CFL CLONING ? please help


Active Member
i have a 4 bulb fixture vanity i plan on using for clones and veg...i have y sockets so 8 bulbs total. I have 8 26watt = 100watt 6500k many should i use when starting the fresh clones? im guessing i shouldnt use all 8....
I guess it would depend on the distance of the bulbs from the clones. They would work great if your plan is to place them 6-12 inches from your clones so you can cover much more surface area for more clones. The closer you put them the more they will make your plant sweat and dry out, thus having to mist them more often and/or risk burning them up.


Active Member
do clones need a specific amount of light? how intense? i could put 8 26watt cfls on top of a few clones but i feel that might be too much light considering im going to veg and bloom with only 8cfls...

from what i have gathered clones just need some light, not a lot....


I wouldn't use more than 2. I clone with indirect cfl light, the bulbs are off to the side over my pre-veg area. When it comes to cloning, I find less light is more.


Active Member
I use one bulb per plant at most and usually do three or 4 with just two and put a cup over the pot mist regularly so far no mold or problems done it 5 time snow this way


Active Member
word some people say don't use hardly any light and some say as much as possible, i feel like the right answer is in between the two.