24 days after flip:
For the first time I brew some AACT! Hope this goes well

My recipe (hope it won't be disaster):
1 gallon of water;
1 table spoon of bone meal;
1 table spoon of fish meal;
1 table spoon of black pearl - manure replacement; ecologic & organic (humic acids - 8,5%, fulvic acids - 20,5%, N - 10%, K2O - 5%, SO3 - 8,5%)
1 tea spoon of mychorizae;
2 scoops of liquid biohumus;
1 tea spoon of molasses;
brewed it for 36 hours with a decent up to 12 gallons fish aquarium pump.

Diluted it 1:1 with water, ph'ed it to 6.7 and watered. Pics tomorrow morning, plants are sleeping, don't disturb them.
So if anyone is experienced in AACT I would appreciate Your comments.

Have a good day everyone!