CFL cab scrog grow - When shall I flower?


Hi all,

I am growing 2 Nirvana AK48 in a cab under 4x85W CFL's using Bio Bizz soil and nutes. I have a scrog in place and one of the plants I have LST'ed into the scrog but there is plenty of room for more, whilst the other has just started to reach the wire and so I will be starting to bend that one over in the next few days.

The plants have been under the lights for 5 weeks now in Veg. The plants have been much bushier than I had anticipated and it took 4 weeks for the bigger plant to reach the screen (9" from the medium).

I was hoping to have switched the lights onto 12/12 but because the second plant is not fully scrogged I wonder whether its ok to leave it for another week or two? Or I could flip the lights and then LST the growth whilst its flowering?

What are your views guys and gals?


Hey all,

Took some pics just now. What do you think? More time in Veg?

I thought they would be ready for flower now but they are just so bushy.



Hey, I'm not sure how to answer your question. However, what lamp are you using to power up your CFL'S?
I built and rigged it up myself. I am not US so it may be different in US, but I have 3 lamp holders (to hold the bulbs, just like you would get to hold a bulb on your ceiling at home) on each end of the reflector. At the moment I am only using 4 of the lamp holders. These are all wired together and then connected to a plug for the power.