Well-Known Member
heyyy man.. well the plants are deff looking good!! but yeaa. those pics are def some seed pods my friend.. at least u said theres not that many.. thats good.well i fugured id cut the lower 2 branches since they were way more mature then the colas. one of the lower ones is where most the seed action was, and a couple low on the main stems. idk why i got seeds.
im guessin ur plant musta went hermie at some point.. im guessin it went hermie later on tho.. because if it had went hermie early on.. you woulda been able to tell.. you would have seen all the pollen sacs and seen the yellow pollen everywhere. soo its good that it started later in your flowering..
some plants (mostly feminized seeds) will always pop out a few bananas at the end of their flowering cycle.. and alotta people will get scared cuz they see male parts on their almost finished plant thats supposed to be feminized.. and then they panic and chop it down early... which is a mistake..
idk the exact week# into flowering it is.. but after a certain amount of weeks.. im guessin around week 6-8 (dont quote me on that. lol) your plant will no longer be able to be pollinated.. soo even if a few bananas do show up.. theres nothing they can do.. they wont harm your plant or make it grow seeds because its too late into the flowering process for the plant to start making seeds..
but what you did was good.. just cut off the part that had the seeds just to be safe.. not sure how far along you are.. im sure you said it somewhere.. lol. but im just really high and forgot what week your on already. lol. sorry... but if i were you... i would check out the rest of your plant really carefully and look for little banana looking things.. and if you find any.. pluck them out with some tweezers or even your fingers if you want.. but if you use your fingers.. wet them before you do it.. that will keep the pollen (if there is any) from "poofing" lol.
you should be fine tho.. you seem pretty well into flowering already from the pic i saw with the seed pod.. soo i wouldnt be too worried man...
damn... i just realized how much i wrote... i coulda made it short and simple and just said..............
"yea those are seed pods. your plant must have went hermie and produced a few seeds here and there. nothing to worry about though"
lol. but i have a tendency to ramble on when im high