cfl= bad choice

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Active Member
if your thinking about growing and want to use a cfl, let me first ask are you growing inside a 2ft box? do you have 5 bulbs per plant? are you using it for clones? or a bonzai? if yes your fine, if not seriously please consider going to a WELL VENTILATED HPS system? your cheating yourselves and your plants. all this led and cfl talk is killing me, quit trying to be cheap and suck it up and make an investment that will more than pay for itself in no time. 1 dwc bucket 1 plant 1 250w hps light can yeild 1 pound.. what are you getting off of a cfm harvest in soil, a quad at most?
Plant Grow Lights, Indoor Hydroponic Systems, Supplies/Equipment - Best Prices, Products & Delivery has cheap fans, cold in, hot out off the light into a filter outside of the room read high times, no respectable grow setup ever gets props for using cfl's for anything other than clones.

im not trying to be a bitch but i dont want to see any of you discouraged from a shitty grow because you cheaped out on the lights.


Well-Known Member
There are some of us that need lights that dont get too hot my friend. I appreciate what your saying but i grow in a closet where i CAN't filter hot out outside of the room. I live in in an apartment complex and i can't just smash a hole in the side of the wall for exhause. Their are ALOT of different reasons people have for growing with CFL's but point is people have harvested pounds with CFL's. Thanks for the suggestion though


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip.

If you don't want to grow with cfls, then don't.

If you don't want to read about people growing with cfls, then don't.

More power to ya!

th33 pharmacist

Active Member
i used t5s and no problums hear use soft during veg and warm during flower no problum , ur just caught in the power of suggestion, but its ok


Well-Known Member
doc im growin in the 505 aswell, but i have to agree with the dreddy chick you say cant cant cant. i've been growing in conditions like you where we cant cut holes like miss princess up there, but you can use poly film seal it off and use a zipper from homedepot, running fans outside in your own make shift grow tent.. it allows you to completley control cubic feet i have to agree with her, shit yealds from cfl is because of lack of light, and hid systems can burn but that is user error by not forking over the dough to buy a proper inline fan. if you want to grow you need to fork over some cash.. or grow outdoors guerilla style and make what you need to build a proper room do it right or not at all and you wont be let down


Well-Known Member
i used t5s and no problems hear use soft during veg and warm during flower no problem , ur just caught in the power of suggestion, but its ok
your in denial.. i know first hand that t5's suck ass for bloom, got caught up in that craze and about half my normal yield plus shit was airy. fine for veg but not enough lumens, dreds is right there, hid or go home quit making excuses for being cheap


Well-Known Member
Yeah i see what your saying man but im growing 2 plants. HID would be retarded, im sorry if you can't agree.


Well-Known Member
doc im growin in the 505 aswell, but i have to agree with the dreddy chick you say cant cant cant. i've been growing in conditions like you where we cant cut holes like miss princess up there, but you can use poly film seal it off and use a zipper from homedepot, running fans outside in your own make shift grow tent.. it allows you to completley control cubic feet i have to agree with her, shit yealds from cfl is because of lack of light, and hid systems can burn but that is user error by not forking over the dough to buy a proper inline fan. if you want to grow you need to fork over some cash.. or grow outdoors guerilla style and make what you need to build a proper room do it right or not at all and you wont be let down
Are your in the ABQ?


Well-Known Member
hps suck, hps suck, hps suck , no they dont really, nor do cfl, enviro, t5, t4, they all have their place, horses for courses , if they sucked they wouldnt sell for long.


Well-Known Member
look maybe some people are being cheap that is your opinion I have seen for myself in person and on RIU that have GREAT yields with CFLs and same for HID but you gotta realize what works for them is what works for them when you see someone complaining that they got a sucky yield with CFLs then you should post that to them. Your opinion is only valid for certain people and not to all the CFL people. Thanks tho... and well CFLs when your lighting up the right amount are still paying a good penny but just for MORE than ONE light..........


Well-Known Member
which to me that seems smarter cause if you get a bust you can use them in different places than throw or have to get rid of a 200 dollar light ONE LIGHT......... that to me seems smarter to have more lights that you can focus around the plant than one light for all the plants.


Well-Known Member
Xochi there is a VERY VERY high ratio of shitty hid grows to good hid grows. Im sorry my man but that ratio far outnumbers cfl shitty grows to good. I don't know why you decided to wake up with a bottle of haterade in your system but no one here in this forum really cares about growing with hps. That is why it's called CFL growing.

Let's make a thread called SHITTY HID GROWS, i bet you won't be riding the HID dick then.


Well-Known Member
yeah im up in the foothills, aaron at hydro haven can hook you up with 100w systems light, ballast, hood w/glass, everything for 100bills. how's this summer heat treating you? ive been running low 80's
Mid 80's 87 highest. Im up in Rio Rancho.


Well-Known Member
Im gunna check out hydro heaven but im not going to go hps. I can't afford it. Another reason im not using HPS.
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