CFL and Low Stress Traing Grow


Active Member
looks nice .
but its very not recommended to put two plants at the same pot . thier roots can get tied up and then repotting them
can be dangerous .

also think of what will happen if 1 male and 1 female .
had that problem at my first grow , got an hermie and a female . she pollenated them both :\


Well-Known Member
looks nice .
but its very not recommended to put two plants at the same pot . thier roots can get tied up and then repotting them
can be dangerous .

also think of what will happen if 1 male and 1 female .
had that problem at my first grow , got an hermie and a female . she pollenated them both :\
already did that i was in the process of doin that wen i took the pics but thanx tmaster


Well-Known Member
Whasup fellow growers im tryin get some more clearer pics jus waitin on a digital cam. im thinkin bout cutting some of the leaves that aren't gonna produce bud so i can get more light to the inner leaves that will produce bud just wanted some advice on how i should do that before i go cutting leaves any and all advice is highly recommended!


Active Member
people say its bad yes it stress them out but iv done it to mine i wait till they grow about 5+levels of main fan leaves then cut the bottom level of then off. When it puts out its next set u cut the 2ed set off at the bottom and thats it unless leaves are dmg to bad. it needs all its leaves to grow big but cut a few dont hert jst dont cut alot off at 1 time.


Well-Known Member
whasup everyone thanx to everyone for the posts and replies . I want some advice on position of my lights i been seein some people with the lights side ways instead of up and down i was wonder if this would give me more light coverage then the traditional vertical position???


Well-Known Member
I started flowering one of the haze plants its been a week so far im about 85% sure she's a female but i won't be happen till im 100% but so far so good.

First Pic= picture with the cabinet door open

Second Pic=She's sleeping lol

Third Pic= my stealth grow box where i have the other haze plant and some sprouts.

