cfl 26watt cheap set up

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
hey i just germed a seed n put in it soil i used from my outdoor plant i just harvested.
cut a water bottle in half and used it as the TEMP pot, will change bigger later,
so becuz its a small set up i have 4 more seeds "bag seed" but all from ONLY KUSH or premo strains my buddy bought so im happy with em.

i watered the soil today and threw them in about 1/8 " under the soil, from my expoeirce even tho everyone will say no is that 1/8" deep seems to work better then 1/4" and up.

ATM for day one im only using (1) 16 watt cfl
im going to go to walmart tonight as a mater of fact and get 3 26 watters.

my cab is a 2 door bout 3' tall x 1.5' across
i toke the filing cabnet and toke off the top drawers bottom, screwed the light bulb to a piece of wood, and put white printing paper on the sides + bottom of the cab.

i will make a journal written cuz i dont have gpood memory so im going to write when to what and what not, also as its my first INdoor not total first, grow, im going to take a picture every time i water to make a slideshow movie of it growing start-finish,


i dont no how often or much to water the seeds that have a 1/4" tap root on them.
under the soil

i wet it then placed them in so i wont water until 2 days. im going to water 1 day skip 2, water, skip three water skip 2 water and going on like that is that good or should i do 3 and 4?

also how much to water i dont wanna drown my baby :( ill take pictures of everything and post back in about a hour or 2 , cameras just charging,
thanks in advance!

tha dop man187 :bigjoint:

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
so heres some pics of the set up,
one with no flash to show the 4 speakers i put infront of the door,
remove them and u c the light...gonna need to make it light proof!!
so i have 2 peices of velcrow with glue on the back but i dooubt it will be enough..
any SOLID ideas of how to light proof the front? im think of a 1/2" thick towel velcrow the sides, and use "TUCK TAPE" on the top so it doesnt move, then when i want to see my babies i simply undo the velcrows on the sides and roll it up to the top drawer,
then roll out the lower drawer.

but i will probably want 2 LONG peices of velcrow to go all the way from top to bottom so no holes can peak threw.

NOW heres the material all in order, pics of my lighting, and pics of my baby (2 more germing)

atm the top drawer is of no use
this is becuz the clfs want to be 6 inchs about off the plant (42w) (150 =)

(1) 42w cfl (150 equal) 2800 lumens
the square footage is 1.8 for my filing cab. on hte outside so minus a lil.

once the plant is 3" or on its 3rd REAL set of leafs i will add a 26w or another 42w

venting: i have no fan or vent :( so im thinking of geting a cheal $5 fan putting it INSIDE to blow on the plant, but aiming it at a homemade vent i will make and light seal, so i have my cirulating fan working as a automatic venting fan, it will just not shoot it out as fast, but deff quiter. ill also add a intake homemade vent with NO fan on it, since its only low scale and for personal and only 2 small plants tops, ill be happy if i get a O dry.

soil: not sure i toke it out of my old plant i grew in a pot outside, i think it was scotts something.

will have to add more later but i dont need alot of soil atm :P

watering: for watering i will use tap water that i will leave next to the plant with no lid as to release the chroline and other additives.

FERTS!: i went to wall mart and found 2 kinds i would like to choose from and im not sure which *-*-* number i need the most gonna research that now but DEFF not adding any until the 2-3 week in. Q: i would like to know if EVEN wit hthe right *-*-* # on the plant food can u STILL get the wrong kind ? :S ill search for the kinds i saw on the online shop.

lighting hours: i dont have a timer! but usailly im up at 8-9 in the morning so ill hit it on then i go to bed round 12-1. so they should get a good 16 hours on 17 at the most i dont wanna veg that long! also my cfl is COOL-white so its more blue i think 2700k?

when should i start the ferts tho? and do i use the same dose as on the bottle? or what ratio should i dilute it more ? anyways heres the pics today is 2 days since plantdSDC10252.jpgSDC10248.jpgSDC10253.jpgSDC10250.jpgSDC10254.jpglight set up.jpgSDC10249.jpg
Interesting thread, kind of half assing it... no offense meant by that. I honestly am curious as to what happens. I am thinking about doing a small set up for one plant... just to learn. Something like this would be a good experience. Will read with interest.

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
thanks for the reply n yea i know i live with my landlord and were close so she walks in n out of my room ;) but shes in police school lol sure ive smoked with her n she knows i do but we go way back, so it does have to be stealth but i went by square footage to lumens ratio of 2600 lumens per square foot but thats using the outside diamaters of my cab. i will be puting in a 26watt i think is 1850? so that should work i think and maybe a extra 42 for flowering, also my 42 watt is cool white so its more blue and the 26watt is more y7ello i think 2700k? should i use both and mix the 2 spectrums or only blue for veg n orange for flower.e??:blsmoke:

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
so the seed is poping slowly and sprouted a bit more today so thats a good sign, i taped a towel hanging from the top it didnt do i added rolled up garbage bags taped them in rectangles and added on the sides and they work like a homemade weather stripping sure with the speakers moved u can clearly see somethings up..but she shouldnt move my speakers so it should be good

still wondering about the #-#-# on plant food? what oned should i get...they had 24-16-8 and 24-24-24


I wouldn't worry about nutrients at this time. I'd say give them about 2-3 weeks before you decide to feed them. I've heard good things on FF Grow Big, which is 6-4-4 IIRC.

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
yea so my baby gurl poped today shell was hanging so i carfully removed it, i also added a garbage bag with white printing paper on the opposite side to my caB BEHIND the cab door, so the paper reflects ligth nad the garbage bag keeps it out! so i taped the garbage bag to the top self, i will tape it on the right side of the bottom as well [ran out of tape] then use my velcros strip to seal the other end.

so i have no fan or vent hole yet tryin to work on that now then i should be set!
also will grab the scotts nutes isaw at walmart for $6 they had all purpose 20-20-20 and i heard thats ok..but i heard the higher P-K numbers are bad during veg. so i might get the 25-10-10 i saw then switch to a more..say 10-30-20 type for flowering going to start nuytes on the 2nd-3rd week in at 20 % the dose every 2nd watering for a week then 30% for a week the 50% for the next 2 then i will prob flower. and do the same method for the flowering period

so i had a question, the filing cab isnt think steel but it is steel..and i have my landlord so i cant just bring my jigsaw in and run it for a reason i cant tell i need to find a alternitive...opening the door 3 times a day with a small fan inside ? would that work? im only using (1) 42w cfl for the veg then add a extra for the flower. or maybe during late veg. so temps arent a big problem besides winters here up north almost so my house wont be as hot and the temps are ok running the light on its cycle so.

would opening the door 3-5 tiems a day for like 5mins each be ok? WITH a fan inside blowing lightly on the plant ? just dont wanna cut the filing cab.


so im high as ever..and thinkin, INSTEAD! of having to cut the metal why not tuck tape or seal a small intake fan which is placed in the cab under the plants (under the bottom drawer [[extra space]]) seal the fan to a plastic funnel, attache a tube of some sort to the opposite end and wa-la i attached a rough drawing of what im saying if u dont understand

its rough but black is the fan oranage is the funnel and green is the tube, i would seal everyend with"tuck tape" the red tape used for insulating houses works wonderful.

fan.jpg :weed:

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
so my baby is at her day 3 now, dont have a name for her imma make one AS she gets older. also planted 2 more directly in soil with no germination. so i have one plant(#1) never got a name yet. which is in all the photos others i just planted so they havent broke soil yet.

first is day 2 of #1 and day 3 got my 42 watt cfl in there now its cool soft so its blue spetrum. my baby seems good and healthy:) i got 3 more germinating.