CFL 1st time Grow Feedback Welcome!


Well-Known Member
i had some but had to take them off to fit the splitters on. lights are about 1in above plants.
You should have lights on the side of your plants as well. Yes on top is good but side lighting is even better it lets more of your plant conduct photosynthesis THE PLANTS LIFE CYCLE.. so i would have a warm cfl on top for and the daylight cfl's surrounding that bad girl!!!

Looking good tho man! Come check out my grow and comment up :D

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
hey thnx farming.
love420, i do have lights on the sides of the plants. i was referring to the reflectors and spliiters.thnx

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
i have a question. i want to start flowering this weekend, but the plant is still not fully recovered. would flowering add more stress to plant and make it worse. any thoughts on this would be great. thnx.


Well-Known Member
i have a question. i want to start flowering this weekend, but the plant is still not fully recovered. would flowering add more stress to plant and make it worse. any thoughts on this would be great. thnx.

I dont think it would cause stress I just dont think it will grow as fast as it normally would going into the flowering stage...
Personally I would let it veg for another week then flower..

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
hi all, haven't been on in a few days. 2 days ago i flushed my plant hoping that it might help some incase its a nutrient lockup. can't figure out what is exactly wrong, so i flushed. now that it is about 6 weeks old now, i started 12/12 cycle tonight. hopefully the little sucker will pull through. prayin for a female but with 1 plant 50/50 chance so hopefully got some luck on my side.

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
let me just say iiiiittttttt'ssss aaaa gggiiiirrrrllllll, woo hoo. showed sex after only 4 days. got some white hairs on one of the nodes near the top of the plant. i found them two days ago, not much has changed in the past 2 days. since i started the 12/12 cycle the little girl has grown 2 inches which is good. i did take a pic but it is gonna have to be photoshopped to see the hairs. so finally some good luck on my side.


Active Member
Hey man. I am new here and this is the first time I have posted and everything. I have to be honest it was because of your name that I even read your blog here because it make me LMAO. That is awesome.! Anyways, I wasn’t initially going to post anything but I got to looking and I noticed something. You have been putting in all this hard work and effort here on this one single plant and it turns out to be a girl?! Dude, are you psychic?! LOL! I’ll be honest I feel kinda bad for you man because I see all of these people have looked at your page, but not a damn one has bother to congratulate you on this milestone. What gives? Is this how everyone here is because if so I sure don’t want to be part of a community that doesn’t support their growers no matter the method. It seems like people only look if they have the high quality stuff or some elaborate setup. What ever happened to the guys who just grew what they needed? Anyways dude, no reason to sit around complaining about others. Hopefully this will not be how it is on here while I am here! Since no one else has bothered, let me be the first to formally congratulate you on your female plant. CRONGRATUALTIONS! Keep it up dated, I’ll be watching!

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
thnx for the congrats greenthumbhairypalm(great name) it is greatly appreciated. no, i'm not psychic, wish i was. i just finally got some luck with this little girl. i have found today which is the 3rd day of flowering another set of hairs above the other 2 sets. so i'm pretty excited about that. thnx again for the post greenthumb.


Well-Known Member
:leaf::leaf: Glad you got a girl too. I think our plants will pull through i just flushed mine earlier today as well so well be good. :leaf::leaf:

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
well i decided to flush her again yesterday. still having problems with leaves cupping,twisting and the claw. i believe she has a nute lockout from a ph imbalance. she is growing and getting more hairs each day. she is now 9in tall and has 12 nodes with hairs on 3 of them. not bad i guess for 1 week 12/12 and 3 days flowering.

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
well it's about 9 days into flowering and the hairs are coming in nicely. she is 12in tall now, 6in growth in 2 weeks. i finally got a cheap ph tester and tested the water that had siiting out and it was way high. so most likely i have a nute lockout and why my leaves are cupping and twisted. i decided to put some white vinegar in some water and the ph is at 6.2, so i think i'm gonna flush again tomorrow and test the runoff water. hopefully i can get it under control because i bet she is thriving for some food. hopefully i'll try to have some pics up tomorrow too. it's been awile.

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
i decided to flush again with a low ph'd water since i've been giving her water with a ph over 7.5 for 6-8 weeks now. noe i will wait and see what happens in the next few days. i'm not sure if the leaves that have been twisted and cupped for so long will return to normal. maybe just promote some nice new leaves. i guess we'll see. does anyone have any info on this? it will be greatlly appreciated. no pics yet, sry guys.

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
Time laps pictures of progress:

Picture 1: Date: 10/15/08 22 days @ Flower
Picture 2: Date: 10/25/08 32 days @ Flower
Pictures 3: Date: 11/08/08 46 days @ Flower
Picture 4: Date: 11/08/08 46 days @ Flower
Picture 5: Date: 11/14/08 52 days @ Flower
Picture 6: Date: 11/14/08 52 days @ Flower




Active Member
Hi, congratulations on the plant-it looks nice. And I was just wondering what kind of lights you're using for flowering?