CFL 1st set up

Okay guys here is what I have

I got a 24 cubic foot space with a 105 cfm exhaust fan mounted at the top. I also got 6 23 watt 1600 lumens on 5600K spectrum that will all be placed circular around the plant inside my cylinder grow space. and I have a passive 4" straight line passive intake. My problem is that my grow space is dark grey and my temp is maxing out at like 88-90 degrees, now i have my CO2 set up using two of the yeast fermentation methods with sugar and yeast to produce a decent amount of CO2 to induce better grow at a higher temp

Tell Me what ya think????

Also i got a hydroponic setup inside my container and everything is sealed air tight except for my fans obviously and i am using two 5 gallon carbon scrubbers to eliminate first odors and then a second to knock em out completely and i'm not sure that if i stick a fan infront of my intake if that would knock my temp down

Appreciate any input:leaf:


Well-Known Member
CFL's? .. u shud be able to just open ur grow room up for 5-10mins to air it out .. OR ... run intake and exhaust systems .. temp shud be round 72-82(personally) .. most say 75(i tihnk is ideal .. but .... i found this to work WELL for me.. and i have used both CFL's and HID's

and ur carbon filters... good .. idea.. taking the extra percaution to eliminate any lingering odor that might persisit .. ..

wellp ... wth are u even growing anyway brother?
Well the problem is my intake, picks up air from inside my place and as such my ambient temperature sits around 76-78 degrees so when i bring air its already 78 :( , as far as growing i'm doing trails now with just some dirt till i actually get this down to an art. I'm more of a hobbyist than a pro :(


Well-Known Member
ya i do .. but if u are are uncomfortable w/this . adding CFL's is easy as you already kno :-P

most ppl only use 4 42 watter for a plant so i think u r good..

as for the intake .. hmmm .. is there a way u can alter the temp in the room? .. E.G .. maybe turning ur thermostate down .. or closing ur vent in the floor or cieling... or opening a window to cool the room off hehe

Since it is not warm here anymore i simple jus put a fan in the window(took the Air Conditioner out) and just a fan and .. whala! .. shes great .. it actaully gets a little to cold ;)
Yeah i just wanted to do it as low key as possible, it only takes one fuck up to reallyyyy fuck up ya know. As far as the 42 watts i've done alot of calculations and as far as i can see you get more lumens per watt with the 23 watts, but maybe thats based on my findings with the cfls in homedepot.

Okay so a simple fan you think should do the trick?


Active Member
man i have 17 42 watt cfls on 3 plants in and they are growing atlest 2 inches a day man so the more cfl the better the grow and the heat do you have the exhaust on top where as heat rises and the intake on bottom


Well-Known Member
lol go to wal-mart man!!!!

they are cheaper anyway!!! LMAOROFL!!!

lol that made me laugh so mugh "ppl are starting to remember me :(" haah niiiice

go to wal-mart!!
yeah intake/exhaust are in the correct position and wow... 17 42watt... shiiiitt lol what you got cooling that, and anyone know if running the system in the morning reduces the chances of flir hitting you...?
okay another question anyone know what the acceptable humidity may be? and from what i'm reading in the first 30 min my set up runs about 4-5 degrees hotter then w/e my temperature is inside my house


Active Member
i have a stanley blower pulling air in from a duct and a small fan blowing air out the top im trying to get pics put up average temp 80 to sometimes 88 nights drop in the mid 70s as im still have them on 24 for 2 more weeks and will send them in to flower humidity seems to stay low bettween 28 and 40 but doesnt semm to phase them any
okay guys did a test run while in class and found she floats from 78-83.5 degrees... :) beautiful had to lower the thermostat. Also anyone do any energy calculations i've found my set up fans included as well as my ozone and other electronics use about an extra 13$ a month so since i'm using CFLs i went ahead and bought both spectrums and then the spectrums i'm not using i plug into all the lights in my house instead of incandescent bulbs. :) :)