CF Grow COB light

what wattage and heatsink is it?

80C seems a little high but within working range

get a IR thermometer theyre cheap and worth it
Vero 29 running at rated specs 36.6V , 2.1 A.... the heatsink is actively cooled with cpu fans “Sucking” the heat from the sink.
i'm sure you're fine. but if you're worried get an infrared thermometer and take the temperature of the heart of the cob just after the light has turned off, after working for a while. this should give you a good idea. the temperature should not be over 100C
Vero 29 running at rated specs 36.6V , 2.1 A.
i'm sure you're fine. but if you're worried get an infrared thermometer and take the temperature of the heart of the cob just after the light has turned off, after working for a while. this should give you a good idea. the temperature should not be over 100C
thanks a lot I’ll defiantly do that to make sure. I can have my hand inches away without being burned but wanna make sure the wiring will be fine too.
In the vero 29 specs it said the Luman rating/ PAR effficiency was tested at rated specs and 80 Celsius operating temp.
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Why are you sucking the air away, instead of blowing air through the heatsink?
It’s just the way the cpu heat sinks were designed, I believe for computers it prevents particles from being blown into the components.

They are rated for 100W of heat dissipation and my COBs are only 80W. So 56W of heat if there only 30% efficient.

If I do encounter a heat problem it will be do to it not being completly flush as my tapping skills aren’t the best .
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Either build a Cree system or buy a kit.
It’s a sellers market and there are thieves selling junk.
You can build a great cob system or buy a kit.
It’s a very simple build and there’s plenty of people on the forum to help you build it,plus YouTube is full of videos.