center of plant looks brown


Active Member
hi people, im currently got bubblelicious going from seed, 3rd week in veg, been feeding every other day in coco, with hesi root stim and tnt, pics follow

does anyone know what is causing the middle of the plant to turn brown? temp is 27c and hunidity is 40%

thanks for all feed back


Well-Known Member
How low does the temp get when the lights are off? It looks to me like the color is more purple than brown. Purpling of fan leaves in veg usually indicates a phosphorus deficiency.


Active Member
How low does the temp get when the lights are off? It looks to me like the color is more purple than brown. Purpling of fan leaves in veg usually indicates a phosphorus deficiency.
im vegging 24/0 so its a constant 27c... ive emptied my resi out, going to fush plants with tap water at ph 5.8. Is there anything i can to to reverse the phosphorus def??

thanks for your advice


Active Member
and a quick question, if my feeding water is too cold for plants, would this also throw a phosphorus deficiency up?... trying to trouble shoot


Active Member
I hope someone with more experience can chime in, but i've noticed some wild purpling in some plants that were fed water that was ~60 out of my tap. Only thing was purp was in the genetics, the green plants next to them never showed the phos def.


Active Member
yeah... ive got 3 bubblelicious and a master kush, the master kush does not show the same browning nor does one of the bubblisious


Active Member
give them a day or two, i would like to know if the new leaves will green up, these ladies do some wild shit sometimes... maybe the ph is whack? have you checked the runoff?


Active Member
not yet, just emptied resi out, filled up with tap water 5.8. but as i run to waste i can check it on the run off, I wont bother to flush today as was fed yesterday, gives the resi time to get to room temp before the feed. will be updating as the progress goes, watch this space... just wanna know how I can reverse the def

cheers for the feed back


Active Member
Yeah no prob man, I have no experience with coco, so i'm just gonna throw out what i would do in the situation.... And IMO, i would not stress about that minor purpling and would watch growth patterns over the next week. If runoff ph is off, then adjust accordingly.
Glad to help man, if you respond and i miss it, just send me a pm so i can find your thread


Active Member
update. this morning i flushed with tap water 5.8. my run off is 6.3. don't quite understand why the run off is so high