cell phone chargers and computer fans!


Well-Known Member
whats up everybody?

Hope everyone is having a good Monday so far.

listen I have a couple of questions if ya don't mind.

I woke up this morning.. and of course did my usual 'Morning Bake' routine. Took two hits from the Morning Bowl.. and got up and stretched.

Well, I've been thinking lately.. and especially this morning.. I've been thinking of a way to power up computer fans.. without having to wire them to an actual battery... but again I'm not a certified electrician.. but I do know my stuff. Just never have taken the time to go to school yet.. I will though.

Alright, now.. my grow area.. is actually pretty simple. I'm using my old 150gallon fish tank to house my plants. The area inside the tank is used for both vegging and flowering (which is fine for now). For air movement.. I simply plugged in my 'Cyclone' fan and placed it in the corner of the aquarium. The top of my aquarium is completely open.. no top to it. This way.. I get max exhaust movement and air movement.

However.. I got to thinking about the people that use computer fans for their air movement. One to bring in fresh air.. and one for pushing air out from the area (exhaust fan). I'm sure most people just simply wire the fans to batteries.. or what have you. Which is fine.. but I came up with an idea the other day that involves old cell phone chargers.

I have some old computer fans that still work... just sitting around in shoe boxes inside my closet. Well, I grabbed one of the cell phone chargers I had.. snipped off the end (end where it connects to phone).

I then took the charger over to my hobby desk (area i use for my ideas).. and I took out my wire strippers. I simply snipped off the outer wire coating to expose the insides of the wires.

I then simply did the same thing with one of my old computer fans.. only I connected the fan to the charger... I did it properly.. and used electrical wire caps. I then plug in the old charger for my cell phone.. and zzzzooooooooom! goes the blades on the fan.

Now, I have no idea what the max RPM of that fan WAS...... but if I had to guess.. I would have to say she was at least spinning at a solid 20,000RPM's. I'm serious.. If I could have mounted the fan onto a airplane?? that fan would could have enough power to pull the plane fast enough to create lift. Shit you not.. (but I'm talking about those little R/C planes.)

Yeah, it was a site to see and hear. I think i spun the bearing in that fan though.. once i unplugged it... the fan wasn't in all that great of shape.. but ehhh
anyhow... my point is.. is that it works.

BTW, I know.. this has been talked about around here.. I too have seen it brought up around the site.. I just wanted mainly to let people know.. that who have not tried it.. or maybe were not aware of it..
that this indeed does work.. very well at that.

Just thought I would share my latest experiment with everyone. Happy holiday's to everyone. Happy Honikah!

I'm Italian.. and Catholic.. yet I still can't spell Honikah correctly.. never can remember. :( thats' not good..

anyhow.. Merry Christmas and Honikah to all!


disclaimer & warning
*warning*-(what you choose to do with this information is not my problem. I'm not your momma or daddy so i could care less what you do with it.. just remember that this was an experiment only.. and it is a major FIRE risk.. use at your own risk!!!)


Well-Known Member
hehe im interested in how too wire this up correctly aswell.

but 20.000 rpm would kill the fan within 1 hour :P

standard computer fans move at 1000-2000 rpm.

i think the bearings would fry pretty fast with 10 x the speed :)


Well-Known Member
A cell phone charger or a charger that as various voltage is nice to this way you can control the fan speed from 12v to 1.5v.

Connecting is easy red is neutral, black is positive in the fan.
trying to connect a few of these in a relay with a thermometer to temp control. prob a thermometer from a heater:bigjoint:
Interesting... So an old phone charger puts out the correct amount of volts to power an old comp fan for use as an exhaust fan??

On another note, what's the best way to slow a fan wired strait to the wall? Would a reg light dimmer work?