Alright, finally some PICS!
The plants look to be doing good. No signs of any stress or anything. My temps have been averaging 77-85 with the lights on, and 70-74 with the lights off. This is going to be an issue when I switch to flowering but I'm thinking Im going to run some duct from my A/C to the in-fan into my closet...but ill cross that bridge when I get there.
Today I picked up some supplies to create CO2 from yeast. I've been reading that if you have higher temps, the plants can take it easier (and will grow better) if you use CO2. Buying a tank and all that looked to pricey so I found some DIY instructions for using yeast, sugar, and water inside a 2L bottle to create's a
link to the site
I've been watering every 2 days now since it looks like theyve hit the res. One plant is MUCH bigger than the other as you can idea whats up with that but I'll let it do it's thing since it seems to be healthy.
Nutes have been around 400ppm, PH is around 5.8-6.5
I'm really hoping their girls...not sure when I'll be able to tell sex...any ideas?