CC fraud by


Active Member
I have a suspicion and I THINK that, or one of their employees, or someone they sold my cc info to, just tried (unsuccessfully) to jack my CC for an unauthorized “subscription” charge.

I have no proof that it was actually them but
they’re the only ones in Great Brittan, the EU or any foreign company for that matter that EVER had my numbers… period.

I haven't been on their site for over a year and it wasn't anything that I ever signed up for (I am careful and read the fine print) or anything that I bought. Just flat out FRAUD on their part.

I had foolishly used my personal cc a year or so ago with them. That was before I read about all the cc fraud in the EU and started getting a prepaid credit card that was also good for European purchases. Since then, only prepaid card has been used, no exceptions.

After my purchases back then, out of paranoia, I had my CC companies put a hold on ALL EU purchases. I have since put a hold on all foreign purchases. It worked and the cc company stopped the charge and called me.

I really think it was those rotten Fuggers! The Dirty Bastards.

FUGG them, buy from them at your own risk! Smuggler


Well-Known Member
I used to work for a credit card company, and I have to say, you are slandering an established business on a hunch you have, with no inside knowledge of how fraud occurs. It was great that you blocked foreign charges, however look at the timeline. More than a year... It sounds to me as though your card information was compromised, however, it was more than likely stolen from a lax secure web merchant and it's use attempted overseas. That is common with digital fraud. It isn't proof that Amsterdam Seeds wronged you. You need to report the card stolen and get new digits. Your card has been compromised.

Be leery of slamming companies that rely on reputation to conduct business, when you have no proof. Your info was likely stolen from a US merchant. It happens ALL THE TIME.


Well-Known Member
I live in the EU and have occasionally been horrified at the lax use of cc details, but never by any MJ seed bank.

But there are just as many scams in the US, according to my kid sister, who is a US citizen.

One German cactus supplier will never get another order from me after despatching my name, address and FULL credit card details in a box of plants. When I complained to them they blithely said they couldn´t see any problem.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
I dont know about them bein dirty or not but it just seems like you shouldnt be using personal cc info anyways to order stuff online in general anymore theres too much fraud going around get yourself a pre paid for all online purchases that way you can be assured your protected. Problem solved.


Well-Known Member
I used to work for a credit card company, and I have to say, you are slandering an established business on a hunch you have, with no inside knowledge of how fraud occurs. It was great that you blocked foreign charges, however look at the timeline. More than a year... It sounds to me as though your card information was compromised, however, it was more than likely stolen from a lax secure web merchant and it's use attempted overseas. That is common with digital fraud. It isn't proof that Amsterdam Seeds wronged you. You need to report the card stolen and get new digits. Your card has been compromised.

Be leery of slamming companies that rely on reputation to conduct business, when you have no proof. Your info was likely stolen from a US merchant. It happens ALL THE TIME.
Suspicions and opinions are not a form of slander. It's merely a personal thought. He hasn't slandered anyone since he's not stating it as fact. In any case, I think he has every right to be suspect.


Well-Known Member
Suspicions and opinions are not a form of slander. It's merely a personal thought. He hasn't slandered anyone since he's not stating it as fact. In any case, I think he has every right to be suspect.
Then you didn't read the bottom of his post. He has a right to state a suspicion as such, but at the bottom of the post, he asserts it as fact. Take it from a previous loss prevention investigator, it is highly unlikely a company that stakes it's business success on it's reputation would risk trust by fraudulently using credit card info on a suscription. More than likely, it is a Russian, or Asian piece of shit that bought or has access to info on the net.

Again, just in case I haven't made my point, it's kind of stupid for a company to be fraudulently using info that's more than a year old, to purchase a subscription online. chances are 100%, that it was from a transaction within the last three months. Most hacks won't touch sheets that are over a year old. While you are entitled to your opinion, you have no experience to base it on, I do.


Well-Known Member
this is really effed up. did u get a new card?
roflcopterrr who is this person talking about slander - im a law student and thats not the definition of slander. hes not trying to maliciously defame anybody, he is just telling the forum about his experience.


Active Member
I used to work for a credit card company, and I have to say, you are slandering an established business on a hunch you have, with no inside knowledge of how fraud occurs. It was great that you blocked foreign charges, however look at the timeline. More than a year... It sounds to me as though your card information was compromised, however, it was more than likely stolen from a lax secure web merchant and it's use attempted overseas. That is common with digital fraud. It isn't proof that Amsterdam Seeds wronged you. You need to report the card stolen and get new digits. Your card has been compromised.

Be leery of slamming companies that rely on reputation to conduct business, when you have no proof. Your info was likely stolen from a US merchant. It happens ALL THE TIME.
You know, I thought a lot about what you said and did some additional research, here are the details and the conclusion that I wanted to share with all.

For the last 10 years, I have always used paypal for all US & foreign internet purchases. Amst didn’t accept paypal so I used my regular cc with them. Yes, that was my mistake and I quickly fixed it.

After placing the order, I started reading some online warnings about them on a number of sites. I started to freak out and called my cc company to put a hold on all foreign purchases made after that. Basically, I flagged my cc because of their lousy reputation that I only learned of after I bought from them.

Every since that one single internet transaction, I only use paypal or my prepaid cc that’s specifically approved for foreign purchases. I only use those two methods exclusively for all purchases that I make online. That includes all personal or business purchases made online. That leaves them as the only foreign company with my personal cc info.

That leaves only local US in store purchases that I have used my regular cc for.

In every instance of in store purchases, the magnetic swipe method is all that I have used, no one gets to see or copy down my numbers. I’m quite guarded with my stuff and that’s why I was able to catch those thieving bastards in the first place.

I asked the cc company if they have had any breaches or hacking of cc accounts in the past two years. The answer was a resounding NO! They have had cc fraud from individuals stealing cc’s or the numbers but no widespread security issues. Like with my issue, when they have a theft of numbers, they issue new cards.

They told me that even if someone here in the US did steal my numbers, they would have almost certainly, used the info locally or bought something online within the US from a US company, as most cc companies automatically restrict and flag foreign purchases due to the rampant fraud these days. There would be almost no chance of sending the info to the EU to make a charge there when the cardholder is in the US as it would be held until verified or denied.

It really is far more likely that Amst… or one of their employees just stepped in their own crap and got caught in the act of RIPPING ME OFF.

I still have no positive proof but I stand by my suspicion and after talking to my cc company, feel even more confident that it was them.

No I'm not the son of God, but he did give me a brain to figure things out with. S


i ordered seed from on june 7 2011 and as of 07-20-2011 i have not seen them. emails to their support department are returned undeliverable.