CBD Therapy grow

My first high CBD was harlequin. Smoked a big fat bowl and within a few short minutes my back started hurting. Became really intense for about 5 or 6 minutes. Suddenly my spine popped into place and a huge load of pain went away. lol

Relaxed a lot of pent up muscle tension. :) I use mainly moderate THC:CBD strains now. Love em so far. :)

I got two cbd rich strains from my legal provider. (I recently got my medical status at this dispensary) Both are supposed to be 1:1 ratios of cbd/thc. One is very calm, and often when i smoke it I feel like I didn't smoke at all up in my head but my body feels very good. The other 1:1 strain though kicks my fuckin ass. It makes me all energetic and anxious. And my schizophrenia comes alive like a mother. Then I also have one of these sweet types of strains, it's a candy variety of some kind. And that one is an indica and a lot calmer than the second cbd strain I mentioned. My schozphrenia doesn't seem to react to that one very much. It's too bad I only ordered an 8th of the kind that is really good for me! They have charlotte's web too, but it's so expensive, they want 400 per ounce of that shit! too rich for my blood.

So I found this -> To treat schizophrenia: 40-1,280 mg CBD by mouth daily for up to four weeks.

So According to that I need to use a 40-1 ratio of cbd:thc and then 280mg a day. that would cost like 15-30$ a day if you bought the oil. How do I calculate how many mgs I'm getting from bud?
Charlotte's web is bullshit. Doesn't work as well as other strains for most people anyway, so don't feel bad you're unable to afford it.

You'll still want a good 1:1 ratio of THC:CBD, you'll find high cbd, low thc is really not as effective. CBD is only marginally effective without at least 3-4% THC, once you add the THC the effectiveness becomes linear with the volume used. Straight cbd has a bell curve of effectiveness on it's own.

The difference (as you found between the strains you have) is the terpene profile of each strain. Terpenes make the effects sativa or indica, not thc:cbd ratios. Most edibles are very low on terpenes, due to poor starting material and terpene loss through handling.

Only way to get a good calculation from bud is to have it tested.
My first high CBD was harlequin. Smoked a big fat bowl and within a few short minutes my back started hurting. Became really intense for about 5 or 6 minutes. Suddenly my spine popped into place and a huge load of pain went away. lol

Relaxed a lot of pent up muscle tension. :) I use mainly moderate THC:CBD strains now. Love em so far. :)

It's funny you mention this..When I smoke...I immediadlety feel my guts going to work. then i take a shit. but it's a nice shit, not like my usual grind-my-insides- shit. It's like weed just corrects things.
So I have harvested now. All looks well. Got the buds in jars now. Still smells like grass trimmings, but I'm hoping that will go away with a good cure. WTF is up with the grass trimmings smell? My other strain (royal medic) smells great. I did nothing different at all. I harvested and dried all the buds at once, marking them of course. I've had strains in the past that smelled like lawn trimmings but after a couple of weeks in the jar they were great. Any insight here?
It smells like grass trimmings for the same reason grass trimmings smell, chlorophyll breaking down.
Heat and moisture cause the smell. Most likely the one strain was still more wet than the other when you jarred. Did you check moisture levels with a hygrometer on both?
hey how is the CBD therapy working compared to other bud you've smoked?
Fellow schizo myself and I can't really smoke or drink that much with it, It's not like I hate schizophrenia I just don't want dementia when I'm older. I found that last year smoking regular weed made me kind of forget dumb little things and I would smoke so much I would get sick constantly so I'm checking out CBD therapy once it's done and my lungs/brain have had half a year to return to normal (hopefully ;)
hey how is the CBD therapy working compared to other bud you've smoked?
Fellow schizo myself and I can't really smoke or drink that much with it, It's not like I hate schizophrenia I just don't want dementia when I'm older. I found that last year smoking regular weed made me kind of forget dumb little things and I would smoke so much I would get sick constantly so I'm checking out CBD therapy once it's done and my lungs/brain have had half a year to return to normal (hopefully ;)

Hey, the therapy is pertty good. it came out really hay smelling though. been curing for about two weeks now. starting to smell a little better but not up to my liking. the other plant i had in the same tent (a royal medic), that was harvested and cured the same as this one was bursting with flavor.

as far as smoking, pretty sure it was more than .5% thc. but def not alot. I've just started smoking, mostly with a vaporizor. I don't get too much of a high from it, but its definitely soothing at times. i've smoked and felt very musical and jammed out, but in my head i felt perfectly level and sensible. sometimes it sucks, i wish i could just fukcing get baked proper. its harsh though and shitty smoking to be honest. my royal medic, was processed 100% the same, and she's smooth, flavorful..but unfortunatley for me, she's potent. for a regular person though it would be great.

whta else can i say, hmm. it's early and a busy day but if i don't respond to this now i'll probably forget. was a ridiculously hardy plant, easy to grow. stayed green with minimal feeding sometimes, like super nice and green. had no issues with a little bit of drought. my royal medic would be limp if i had been away and what not and they had missed a watering, the therapy was perky as ever.

at times, i've had thoughts like "maybe this is just hemp" .. but I don't think it is..i mean, even right now i took 3 hits of it from the vaporizor, and i feel pretty nice. a very like.. sedative effect almost. body stone type of thing, i can feel it in my head, and my chest, my stomach feels nice too. I've been dealing with this stomach illness from hell and if i smoke during a workout, or after i've eaten something i shouldn't have, it feels better without a miss.

as far as dimentia, i think about that a lot. scary shit man. but marijuana is supposed to help patients with alzheimers, so i think all this cbd intake is quite good. I've also noticed that after 4-5 days of staright smoking, that 6th day..if i don't smoke.. my normal sober mind seems a lot quieter. but that might just be my imagination and coincidence. i might just want it to be true bad enough that i believe it lol, we all do it!..some people call it religion XD
Just an FYI, the harshness and hay smell were not from the 'genetics' of the plant, nor the CBD content. Every plant is different and it sounds like the CBD strain required less feed and different drying times than your royal medic.

The CBD is definitely a welcome relief to anyone with a variety of issues. ;)
Just an FYI, the harshness and hay smell were not from the 'genetics' of the plant, nor the CBD content. Every plant is different and it sounds like the CBD strain required less feed and different drying times than your royal medic.

The CBD is definitely a welcome relief to anyone with a variety of issues. ;)

hey yeah, i was going to mention that. the two plants were very different. I realize now that I should have dried very different for the therapy and maybe even harvested sooner. the buds were crispy on the plant. wtf? but it was alive and well and most hairs were brown and trichs were like 20-30% amber. i felt like though i didn't harvest on time.
Very glad you decided to make this thread, I love reading about CBD effects on all different kinds of patience. I have a good friend who suffers from schizophrenia sadly he lives in a non-legal state and obtaining anything other "street who knows what this is" weed is next to impossible. Hopefully one day more states will join in and it will be not a crime to try some fucking medicine.
Very glad you decided to make this thread, I love reading about CBD effects on all different kinds of patience. I have a good friend who suffers from schizophrenia sadly he lives in a non-legal state and obtaining anything other "street who knows what this is" weed is next to impossible. Hopefully one day more states will join in and it will be not a crime to try some fucking medicine.
I agree 100%. Marajana used for medical ailments is Big Phama's biggest fear. Herbal medicine you can grow yourself instead of taking their sometimes deadly medications. Instead of trying to really benefit people they are more worried about padding their pockets. I have seen CBD work miracles in both dogs with cancer and people with Auto immune diseases first hand. I also am one of them that benefit from the relief of cannabis. They had me on steroids and all they did was make me sicker and miserable.
Plus i can use the whole plant minus the stalks and roots to smoke or make edibles, capsules, tincure's and balms and lotions. Options are endless and cost next to nothing to make beneficial medicine.
I agree 100%. Marajana used for medical ailments is Big Phama's biggest fear. Herbal medicine you can grow yourself instead of taking their sometimes deadly medications. Instead of trying to really benefit people they are more worried about padding their pockets. I have seen CBD work miracles in both dogs with cancer and people with Auto immune diseases first hand. I also am one of them that benefit from the relief of cannabis. They had me on steroids and all they did was make me sicker and miserable.

I am very newer to the world of CBD and its effects (always know cannabis was good but all the research becoming a new grower has shown me a lot) I have a friend whose grandfather was just diagnosed with cancer. We live in a legal state and I would love to help if I can. Could I ask you to PM me any resources, or possibly just your experiences with this so I can get a little more of a foothold in helping out a dear friend.

EDIT: Or even posting them here doesn't need to be a PM
I am very newer to the world of CBD and its effects (always know cannabis was good but all the research becoming a new grower has shown me a lot) I have a friend whose grandfather was just diagnosed with cancer. We live in a legal state and I would love to help if I can. Could I ask you to PM me any resources, or possibly just your experiences with this so I can get a little more of a foothold in helping out a dear friend.

EDIT: Or even posting them here doesn't need to be a PM
Sure here are a couple of good articles on Marijuana killing cancer cells.


I also have info on making concentrates from cannabis to ingest instead of smoking. Some people don't like the strong effects of smoking it. Edibles and concentrates seems to give you a more relaxed level body high that lasts longer.
Sure here are a couple of good articles on Marijuana killing cancer cells.


I also have info on making concentrates from cannabis to ingest instead of smoking. Some people don't like the strong effects of smoking it. Edibles and concentrates seems to give you a more relaxed level body high that lasts longer.

Any info would be great! The more the word is spread the more people can be healed :mrgreen:
Wow thanks for the posts guys! I think with my next batch i will make some edibles.

As far as medicinal marijuana goes, man It's amazing. My quality of life has increased so much, and even just the growing itself can be very good therapy. Sometimes I wanna just cry over that fact that i can't smoke and get nice and baked. i love weed so much. AND god damn theyre legalizing it in canada. fuck! and here i am taking piddly ass hoots from low thc buds. life man.

This therapy is great though for the vape. nice effect, the "high" wears off fast though but that just means you can take in more cbd, and more often. Oh! One thing i should mention is that the cbd therapy seeded up a bit. I will get probably at least 100-200 seeds from these 4 ounces or so that i have here. They are nice big healthy looking beans. the royal medic wasn't very seeded. I found maybe 5-10 seeds in her buds while i was lookign them over and doing whatever. I have 60 here at least just from weighing, jarring, etc, from the therapy. But I mean the therapy is really nice in the vape, and even when i smoke it i get a very mellow and calm reaction. I can feel in my body that its working..like taking a hot bath. I should also note that I had a hermie in the house prior to this grow and the tent was in the same room. very well where those seeds could have came from.

on a side note. my grow tent still has a few aphids here and there and most of the 1000 ladybugs i put in there are gone. I was on the verge of buying some spray off of amazon this morning when i noticed 4 or 5 ladybugs on the outside of my living room window. Thank you mother nature! Ladybug season has begun! They are all trying to get into my house. I'll add a pic, that took me about ten minutes to collect, and all i did was scoop them off of the side of house with the lid of that container. I'll do that 2-4 times a day for the next few days and load that little 3x3 tent to the teeth!. Last year my house was crazily infested with ladybugs in the late fall, just from them finding their way into the house on their own. I had a few corners in my house where the ladybugs had gathered and it was like a carpet of them. I didn't kill a single one. nor did i clean them off my wall, haha. I'll be checking my plants for ladybug eggs often.


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Just finished reading through your whole thread here Sunandsky and it was pretty interesting.

I'm getting into hi-CBD strains myself after the last decade and a half of growing out many regular strains hoping to find the magic bullet to fix my depression and help with my ever-worsening arthritis. I'm fortunate I guess that I don't have anxiety along with the depression because I've had a few bouts of that when I smoke a bit to much of a strong sativa like Cali Mist. By too much I mean just a bit too much as a small pinch in my pipe is enough to lift my mood but a slightly larger pinch will give me a bumpy ride for the first 15 - 20 minutes.

A forum friend from PEI and I have swapped beans and pot for some years now before he dropped off the radar. The last stuff he sent me was an eighth each of two high CBD strains he's made crossing various strains. And the seeds to grow more of my own.

One is called GoldFish, (Cannatonic x Otto#1), and the other is a cross of that bred with another of his crosses, Cannatonic and Herijuana. He didn't send any of the Otto#1 on it's own but did send 6 seeds of it. I planted 3 of those back in June and have two plants vegging now that I'll be taking clones off very soon and flowering them out. I suspect they are both males and if so I'll collect the pollen from both and save it in the hopes that the other three beans will give me at least two girls to get some bud and make a bunch of beans with. 3 each of the other two strains will get planted as well with plans to breed beans from those as well.

The smoke from the Goldfish gets me pretty messed up but seems to have good pain reducing effects. I wish I had more of that to make some cocobudder with but that will come once I grow some out.

I had a small stroke three and a half years ago and ever since I get all messed up on very little pot. Not pleasantly messed up either so that kind of pisses me off. No joints for me unless I'm with a friend that smokes joints then it's just a couple small puffs to be polite. My chronic insomnia disappeared after the stroke so it had a silver lining but not a cure I would recommend to get rid of insomnia. :lol:

At the end of July I went out to Kelowna, BC to help my 89 yo mom move out of her big house on the hill in Peachland into a little 5th wheel parked at my sister's acreage up on the mountain overlooking the Kelowna airport. While there I saw a doc recommended to me by a guy running a fairly new compassion club and got signed up for an 8g/day limit. Went back to the club to sign up and bought some one gram samples of 4 strains. One of those strains is called Sweet Skunk CBD, 12% CBD, 7% THC so pretty much a 2:1 ratio. He even had the lab report on it's testing so that was nice.

I really liked it for toking so before I left I bought 10g of it to bring home and make into cocobudder. I'm in love! With a tsp of that I get a pretty good buzz that almost feels like being a bit drunk, puts a smile on my face and knocks back the joint pain at least 70% for almost 24 hours. I even skip a couple days sometimes before the really sharp pain returns. More of that please!

I also bought some CBD only e-juice to use in an e-cig and it's pretty effective to knock back the sharp pains. I take it to bed with me and will have a few good hits before arising as morning pain is pretty intense if I didn't take a dose of cocobudder the night before. The only mental effects I've noticed is I seem more relaxed and seem to have a sharper focus and better appreciation of the beauty around me while driving thru the mountains.

The thing with smoking pot is you waste most of the medicine. Something like over 6 - 7% is all you get and maybe 20% from vaping. Baking pot in the oven before making edibles is also a huge waste of medicine as many of the terpenes and other volatiles are evaporated off the pot and stink up your house. When I make my cocobudder I decarb the pot right in the oil by raising the temp to 260F so everything gets captured in the oil. No water is used either and I end up with a nice tasting and very effective product.

Wife is dragging me off to move nesting boxes into her new chicken coop and I've babbled on enough for now so will be back l8r. :)

Wow thanks for the posts guys! I think with my next batch i will make some edibles.

As far as medicinal marijuana goes, man It's amazing. My quality of life has increased so much, and even just the growing itself can be very good therapy. Sometimes I wanna just cry over that fact that i can't smoke and get nice and baked. i love weed so much. AND god damn theyre legalizing it in canada. fuck! and here i am taking piddly ass hoots from low thc buds. life man.

This therapy is great though for the vape. nice effect, the "high" wears off fast though but that just means you can take in more cbd, and more often. Oh! One thing i should mention is that the cbd therapy seeded up a bit. I will get probably at least 100-200 seeds from these 4 ounces or so that i have here. They are nice big healthy looking beans. the royal medic wasn't very seeded. I found maybe 5-10 seeds in her buds while i was lookign them over and doing whatever. I have 60 here at least just from weighing, jarring, etc, from the therapy. But I mean the therapy is really nice in the vape, and even when i smoke it i get a very mellow and calm reaction. I can feel in my body that its working..like taking a hot bath. I should also note that I had a hermie in the house prior to this grow and the tent was in the same room. very well where those seeds could have came from.

on a side note. my grow tent still has a few aphids here and there and most of the 1000 ladybugs i put in there are gone. I was on the verge of buying some spray off of amazon this morning when i noticed 4 or 5 ladybugs on the outside of my living room window. Thank you mother nature! Ladybug season has begun! They are all trying to get into my house. I'll add a pic, that took me about ten minutes to collect, and all i did was scoop them off of the side of house with the lid of that container. I'll do that 2-4 times a day for the next few days and load that little 3x3 tent to the teeth!. Last year my house was crazily infested with ladybugs in the late fall, just from them finding their way into the house on their own. I had a few corners in my house where the ladybugs had gathered and it was like a carpet of them. I didn't kill a single one. nor did i clean them off my wall, haha. I'll be checking my plants for ladybug eggs often.
I couldn't agree with you more on the benefits of Cannabis. Once people figure out it won't kill you and will help you it will be a much healthier world. Too many lies about Marijuana over the years has brain washed people to labeling it right up there with deadly drugs when in fact it is just an herb that has unlimited cures for ailments of all kinds.
Just finished reading through your whole thread here Sunandsky and it was pretty interesting.

I'm getting into hi-CBD strains myself after the last decade and a half of growing out many regular strains hoping to find the magic bullet to fix my depression and help with my ever-worsening arthritis. I'm fortunate I guess that I don't have anxiety along with the depression because I've had a few bouts of that when I smoke a bit to much of a strong sativa like Cali Mist. By too much I mean just a bit too much as a small pinch in my pipe is enough to lift my mood but a slightly larger pinch will give me a bumpy ride for the first 15 - 20 minutes.

A forum friend from PEI and I have swapped beans and pot for some years now before he dropped off the radar. The last stuff he sent me was an eighth each of two high CBD strains he's made crossing various strains. And the seeds to grow more of my own.

One is called GoldFish, (Cannatonic x Otto#1), and the other is a cross of that bred with another of his crosses, Cannatonic and Herijuana. He didn't send any of the Otto#1 on it's own but did send 6 seeds of it. I planted 3 of those back in June and have two plants vegging now that I'll be taking clones off very soon and flowering them out. I suspect they are both males and if so I'll collect the pollen from both and save it in the hopes that the other three beans will give me at least two girls to get some bud and make a bunch of beans with. 3 each of the other two strains will get planted as well with plans to breed beans from those as well.

The smoke from the Goldfish gets me pretty messed up but seems to have good pain reducing effects. I wish I had more of that to make some cocobudder with but that will come once I grow some out.

I had a small stroke three and a half years ago and ever since I get all messed up on very little pot. Not pleasantly messed up either so that kind of pisses me off. No joints for me unless I'm with a friend that smokes joints then it's just a couple small puffs to be polite. My chronic insomnia disappeared after the stroke so it had a silver lining but not a cure I would recommend to get rid of insomnia. :lol:

At the end of July I went out to Kelowna, BC to help my 89 yo mom move out of her big house on the hill in Peachland into a little 5th wheel parked at my sister's acreage up on the mountain overlooking the Kelowna airport. While there I saw a doc recommended to me by a guy running a fairly new compassion club and got signed up for an 8g/day limit. Went back to the club to sign up and bought some one gram samples of 4 strains. One of those strains is called Sweet Skunk CBD, 12% CBD, 7% THC so pretty much a 2:1 ratio. He even had the lab report on it's testing so that was nice.

I really liked it for toking so before I left I bought 10g of it to bring home and make into cocobudder. I'm in love! With a tsp of that I get a pretty good buzz that almost feels like being a bit drunk, puts a smile on my face and knocks back the joint pain at least 70% for almost 24 hours. I even skip a couple days sometimes before the really sharp pain returns. More of that please!

I also bought some CBD only e-juice to use in an e-cig and it's pretty effective to knock back the sharp pains. I take it to bed with me and will have a few good hits before arising as morning pain is pretty intense if I didn't take a dose of cocobudder the night before. The only mental effects I've noticed is I seem more relaxed and seem to have a sharper focus and better appreciation of the beauty around me while driving thru the mountains.

The thing with smoking pot is you waste most of the medicine. Something like over 6 - 7% is all you get and maybe 20% from vaping. Baking pot in the oven before making edibles is also a huge waste of medicine as many of the terpenes and other volatiles are evaporated off the pot and stink up your house. When I make my cocobudder I decarb the pot right in the oil by raising the temp to 260F so everything gets captured in the oil. No water is used either and I end up with a nice tasting and very effective product.

Wife is dragging me off to move nesting boxes into her new chicken coop and I've babbled on enough for now so will be back l8r. :)


Nice! I just came inside from collecting eggs lol. Brr its wet and cold out there. Most of the chickens went in early but of course a few had to be annoying and I'lll have to go out there again and close the coop up now.

Ah The sweet skunk cbd. I wanted to try that but my lp didn't have any at the moment. I'll be sure to get it next time they have it. Sounds like just what i need. I'm about to vape this royal medic, I haven't tried that yet. She's been curing for about 2 weeks now, I only opened one jar but mmm, she smells so good. I will leave the other jars until they are at least 45 days cured or more.

I really want to try some edibles. I need to learn to make this stuff