CBD oil to treat stomach problems?


Well-Known Member
Hello. All of my life I've had stomach problems related to inflammation, bad digestion, etc. I've discovered it's all caused by emotions/mental. I've quit seeing doctors since all of my life they've given me pills and shit like that which doesn't solve the problem.

The only solution is for me to control my emotions but I've observed that I've alaways felt well stomach-wise when smoking cannabis.

Any advice about CBD oil doses, brands, method. etc.?
start with sublingual, see if that helps, if it does then start to not feel the same, rub cbd oil in your belly button, I know it sounds crazy, do some research. Seeing folks getting relief for stomach and lower bowels, etc from it or reporting they are.
Hello. All of my life I've had stomach problems related to inflammation, bad digestion, etc. I've discovered it's all caused by emotions/mental. I've quit seeing doctors since all of my life they've given me pills and shit like that which doesn't solve the problem.

The only solution is for me to control my emotions but I've observed that I've alaways felt well stomach-wise when smoking cannabis.

Any advice about CBD oil doses, brands, method. etc.?
Cheapest and best guarentee is to buy pure isolate. (I have bought from several Colorado vendors)
Make your own oil tincture or whatever. I find the isolate convenient, heck dip a finger!

My wife takes roughly 30mg AM and PM. Maybe more like 90mg a day.

I take 100s of mg with THC..
I take 20mg of cbd oil 3-4 times a day to help control my IBS. So about 60-80mg a day. I just put the oil into these empty capsules I buy from a local health food store (about 1ml per capsule).
I just take about 9mg a night before bed and helps me sleep so much better that before I started using it. Even at this low dose it helps to keep me asleep. I used to wake up multiple times a night, now maybe just once on average. I buy isolate, make oil and put it in capsules. Works for me.
I take 20mg of cbd oil 3-4 times a day to help control my IBS. So about 60-80mg a day. I just put the oil into these empty capsules I buy from a local health food store (about 1ml per capsule).
What cap size do you use and what is your isolate to oil ratio?
yea out of 23 years of smoking dope it does fuck all for my pain and half the people i no can we pls stop this myth of cannabis being a pain killer as it not maybe for pussy fucks that smoke half a joint every 3 months but for a long time user give me that fentlyn pls
yea out of 23 years of smoking dope it does fuck all for my pain and half the people i no can we pls stop this myth of cannabis being a pain killer as it not maybe for pussy fucks that smoke half a joint every 3 months but for a long time user give me that fentlyn pls
if anything im really baked and sore before smoking weed i was just sore
I cannot legally buy isolate here in Canada yet unfortunately. I also don’t know where else to buy it without breaking federal laws :P
Federal laws? No one is enforcing the law in regards to CBD. Nothing else for that matter. I get it in the mail easy peas. No one cares anymore. I live in Canada myself....East Coast. My town has at least 5 shops selling weed openly on Native Reserve land. The Feds and local police are afraid to make a move. Would cause a shit storm of trouble.
By the way.... CBD oil is not legal in Canada either....or is it? You got me.... pay the high price if it makes you feel “safer”.
Hello. All of my life I've had stomach problems related to inflammation, bad digestion, etc. I've discovered it's all caused by emotions/mental. I've quit seeing doctors since all of my life they've given me pills and shit like that which doesn't solve the problem.

The only solution is for me to control my emotions but I've observed that I've alaways felt well stomach-wise when smoking cannabis.

Any advice about CBD oil doses, brands, method. etc.?

Some high fructose corn syrup can irritate stomach issues. Pepsi which includes Mtn. Dew and others can cause real issues for people.
Pot is legal but CBD is illegal in Canada?
Pots only legal in Canada if you buy it from a legal source and I’m not to familiar with the laws about cbd but none of our legal “dispensaries” carry concentrates in the province I live in. I just don’t feel comfortable ordering online from other provinces quite yet that’s all.
Just received another 3 grams of isolate thru Canada post the other day. No one really cares. The man is definitely not watching ....
Consuming/vaping/balming cannabis in the many different forms has helped my lifetime of IBS/ulcers.
But, I gotta make sure I am eating right, hydrating, working out, not drinking OH-, and maintaining my mental health for it is not a very effective bandaid for my lack of self care.
It is more the cherry on the top for me and I love growing so it is a piece of the puzzle for keeping my gi tract healthy.