CBD Mediplant from Dr Greenthumb-Medical Journal

Probably the bigger pot. I find the bigger the pot I use, the less nutes I need. At the same stage of development, the 5 gallon pot is probably almost full of roots already, while the 10 gallon pot is only half full of roots. That creates pockets where things saturate because the plant didn't eat the ferts where there are no roots. Then the roots grow and reach those areas with a higher level of ferts, and then you get nute burn, but only at some random places.

I think that's what caused it because it stabilized itself when the roots filled those empty pockets. If it was just the phenotype, the problem wouldn't have corrected itself without you reducing the dosage.

Ive been thinking about what you said and it really makes a lot of sense. I checked my notes on this and my other plants in big pots and its happened more then once. Every time its happened was after transplanting to the larger pot. I always wait 7 days after trans to feed with nutes, before that, its just plain water. Maybe I need to give the big pot plants 10-14 days before nutes to fill out????
Do you not have to have those plants tested for CBD after they are finished?
Says right on their site, they are not guaranteed to produce CBD in the amounts they advertise.
Unless you are treating a child. I would not bother looking for high CBD myself. I'd treat my kid regardless. CBD is something that has been shown to work yes but THC kills tumors just as well and or better.
No one really knows for sure!!!
. CBD is being used as a Trojan horse if you ask me.
Just saying.
Do you not have to have those plants tested for CBD after they are finished?
Says right on their site, they are not guaranteed to produce CBD in the amounts they advertise.
Unless you are treating a child. I would not bother looking for high CBD myself. I'd treat my kid regardless. CBD is something that has been shown to work yes but THC kills tumors just as well and or better.
No one really knows for sure!!!
. CBD is being used as a Trojan horse if you ask me.
Just saying.

I have all my plants tested at the end and this one will be no different.

It's a bit shortsighted to say only kids should be treated with CBD. I can think of many possible situations where it could be extremely beneficial. Adults with anxiety disorder just to name one. I watched a report about a young woman that had psychotic episodes from smoking MJ with only 7% THC and zero CBD. Then they gave her MJ with the same THC content and just .04 CBD and she was just fine and didn't have the psychotic reaction.
I do agree that it may be overhyped and we don't have all the info yet but it does look to be leaning in favor of CBD being one of the most important cannabinoids. Perhaps the most important for pain, inflammation, and even cancer.

I don't see anywhere on Doc's site where he says they are not guaranteed to produce similar results. He does give a THC/CBD range....is that what you're talking about?
The range is just that, it Might have cbd, it may not.
That's all I was pointing out really .
To think you are going to get a plant with CBD in high ratios, is a small chance.
I hope you find what works best for you.

THC shrunk my tumor from 4 cm to nothing!
Medicine does not have to be AAA or high CBD.
Yes sure it works for inflammation.
My wife suffers from JRA, so I know about what it can and cannot do for theses type of auto immune diseases.

Thanks for your added info though Its appreciated.


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The range is just that, it Might have cbd, it may not.
That's all I was pointing out really .
To think you are going to get a plant with CBD in high ratios, is a small chance.
I hope you find what works best for you.

THC shrunk my tumor from 4 cm to nothing!
Medicine does not have to be AAA or high CBD.
Yes sure it works for inflammation.
My wife suffers from JRA, so I know about what it can and cannot do for theses type of auto immune diseases.

Thanks for your added info though Its appreciated.



Very cool to hear about your tumors. Congrats!!!
The range listed is 7-10% CBD....not 0-10% so i'm confused by what you're saying. My experience has been if Doc says it, it turns out to be true, so I expect to find plants close to his numbers. Doc is actually the one that suggested I get his strains independently lab tested...thats how confident he is about what he sells.

I aslo agree that medicine doesn't have to be top notch or high in CBD to work effectively. My thought has always been that a combo of THC and CBD would be best and thats why this plant appeals to me so much. It could be the best of both worlds.
I have a patient that cannot tolerate the high from THC so a plant like this, or one even lower in THC, might prove to be the best bet. I'm hoping I get a couple different phenos with various degrees of THC content.
speaking from experience only here.

Everyone can build up a tolerance to THC. TRUST me on that! It is VERY doable!!!
Start them off at 0.007 of a gram mixed in with coconut oil. At night only for up to two weeks if need be, instead of doubling it...add a1/4 the dose more.
I'm gonna get Marie all bent out of shape here saying this but it may help her realize where she went wrong in her assumptions of what I was saying in regards to water.:lol:
She wouldn't know this unless she herself did the treatment.... Just a thought Marie but Im sure you will come out swinging once again. Swing away if it make you feel good. rdd will come to your rescue I'm sure. Young dumb fuck that he is. Online romance...:lol: Gotta love it!
Water is a key deal when taking oil as a medication. It will and can dehydrate you. AND why I talk about drinking lots of water. It does raise PH as well.

get ready for it :lol:

PS....yes he tells you to get each one tested to see if it indeed has any amount/ratio of CBD in it.
Only makes sense dudeman. To say they all have what he claims is sadly misunderstood unfortunately and praying off the sick ...hey...cant blame people for wanting to make money with something that does indeed help and work. Im just not the type who likes to see the wool pulled over other peoples eyes and the first one to point that out unfortunately . :lol:
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speaking from experience only here.

Everyone can build up a tolerance to THC. TRUST me on that! It is VERY doable!!!
Start them off at 0.007 of a gram mixed in with coconut oil. At night only for up to two weeks if need be, instead of doubling it...add a1/4 the dose more.
I'm gonna get Marie all bent out of shape here saying this but it may help her realize where she went wrong in her assumptions of what I was saying in regards to water.:lol:
She wouldn't know this unless she herself did the treatment.... Just a thought Marie but Im sure you will come out swinging once again. Swing away if it make you feel good. rdd will come to your rescue I'm sure. Young dumb fuck that he is. Online romance...:lol: Gotta love it!
Water is a key deal when taking oil as a medication. It will and can dehydrate you. AND why I talk about drinking lots of water. It does raise PH as well.

get ready for it :lol:

PS....yes he tells you to get each one tested to see if it indeed has any amount/ratio of CBD in it.
Only makes sense dudeman. To say they all have what he claims is sadly misunderstood unfortunately and praying off the sick ...hey...cant blame people for wanting to make money with something that does indeed help and work. Im just not the type who likes to see the wool pulled over other peoples eyes and the first one to point that out unfortunately . :lol:

Who is this Marie you speak of?

Doc didn't tell me to test this plant in particular, he asked me to do that long ago on other strains and make them public.

P.S.- Want to make a gentlemans wager that both plants i have test out close to his claim?
Do you not have to have those plants tested for CBD after they are finished?
Says right on their site, they are not guaranteed to produce CBD in the amounts they advertise.
Unless you are treating a child. I would not bother looking for high CBD myself. I'd treat my kid regardless. CBD is something that has been shown to work yes but THC kills tumors just as well and or better.
No one really knows for sure!!!
. CBD is being used as a Trojan horse if you ask me.
Just saying.

not so true...

google steep hill halent
google cbd crew

and why such the prickish attitude when this guy is trying to do a strain report not debate over wether your beliefs are right or wrong. Which your far off into the believe whatever the hell you have faith in instead of believing science.
cbd seeds…none can be guaranteed to have cbd…and need to be tested when grown out<-----------

if one starts with a known high cbd "strain"and uses normal male / female plants the ratio for cbd being in the progeny is about 1 in four

from a known high cbd plant femmed to itself the ratio is about 3 out of 4

within all those the thc to cbd ratio can vary widely

it cannot be predetermined<-------------

as for thc and cancer:
years ago hearing this
i was skeptical hearing how thc shrank tumours etc..
now i have heard of SO many of these storiesfrom people with passion ate believable stories…
as well as reading a pdf of actual [and afterwards hidden]
test that THC can shrink cancer tumours..
that if i ever got cancer i would jump on the THC RSO bandwagon

thanks gb123 for your very own story..

all the best ,dr gruber…you have two plants?

theorhetically you should/may get one with decent CBD but the the ratio is a bit compromised due to lack of
more plants …..


dr gruber
i am no cbd expert
your milage may vary
i am not a dr
and i also know nothing about gb123's ramblings about people on here that i bet even he doesn't know

now back to dr gruberland!
@ pass it around I've known and have read about CBD for years.

You're perception of a prick attitude is only yours Im afraid.
CBD is what it is... THC as well. As far as what I have read. No one knows for sure which one is better. I do know THC kill tumors cells.
Nothing I have used or anyone else that I know has had CBD in it. Worked just fine.
Sure CBD does good things but its not the be all end all of it all :lol:
All Im saying is, to not waste your time with this if you are sick.
Get what ever you can get a hold of and get better!!

cbd seeds…none can be guaranteed to have cbd…and need to be tested when grown out<-----------

if one starts with a known high cbd "strain"and uses normal male / female plants the ratio for cbd being in the progeny is about 1 in four

from a known high cbd plant femmed to itself the ratio is about 3 out of 4

within all those the thc to cbd ratio can vary widely

it cannot be predetermined<-------------

as for thc and cancer:
years ago hearing this
i was skeptical hearing how thc shrank tumours etc..
now i have heard of SO many of these storiesfrom people with passion ate believable stories…
as well as reading a pdf of actual [and afterwards hidden]
test that THC can shrink cancer tumours..
that if i ever got cancer i would jump on the THC RSO bandwagon

thanks gb123 for your very own story..

all the best ,dr gruber…you have two plants?

theorhetically you should/may get one with decent CBD but the the ratio is a bit compromised due to lack of
more plants …..


dr gruber
i am no cbd expert
your milage may vary
i am not a dr
and i also know nothing about gb123's ramblings about people on here that i bet even he doesn't know

now back to dr gruberland!

Thanks for the explanation!
I actually have 3 of them but only journaling 2. The third is in a small pot and in the corner of the garden....i will test that one as well.
If i don't get the numbers im looking for i will pop the remaining seeds from the pack.
@ pass it around I've known and have read about CBD for years.

You're perception of a prick attitude is only yours Im afraid.
CBD is what it is... THC as well. As far as what I have read. No one knows for sure which one is better. I do know THC kill tumors cells.
Nothing I have used or anyone else that I know has had CBD in it. Worked just fine.
Sure CBD does good things but its not the be all end all of it all :lol:
All Im saying is, to not waste your time with this if you are sick.
Get what ever you can get a hold of and get better!!


You can never tell from the words in a post if the person has a "bad" attitude and i think thats what Pass it around was talking about. Im not taking offense from your words but there is a hint of passive aggressive behavior in your posts. Im sure you're not being an ass and rather, just trying to pass on info, but it can be hard to tell from the words. The part about Doc praying on the sick made me think twice about you as well. I've got a pretty good handle on who Doc is in that regard as he has helped me and my family in ways that he never had to, and gone way out of his way in doing so.
Anyway, its usually just a matter of perception, and being blunt can be mistaken for something else.

Other then that, I appreciate the info you have shared and it has made me think.
You can never tell from the words in a post if the person has a "bad" attitude and i think thats what Pass it around was talking about. Im not taking offense from your words but there is a hint of passive aggressive behavior in your posts. Im sure you're not being an ass and rather, just trying to pass on info, but it can be hard to tell from the words. The part about Doc praying on the sick made me think twice about you as well. I've got a pretty good handle on who Doc is in that regard as he has helped me and my family in ways that he never had to, and gone way out of his way in doing so.
Anyway, its usually just a matter of perception, and being blunt can be mistaken for something else.

Other then that, I appreciate the info you have shared and it has made me think.

My apologies, it was exactly the part where it was stated that doc is praying on the sick. IMO he is offering what the people want and if the people don't want to pay the price for Docs gear they can get a clone of cannatonic, harlequin, ac dc or pennywise. I know that not every seed popped will be guaranteed high cbd but having cbd in the mix is just as important as all the other less popular cannabinoids. THC isn't a cure all just like CBD isn't it is the way they interact with each other and in turn interact with you.
I'm not pointing out Doc at all actually. I'd say the same about the Charlotte Web people or anyone trying to make a buck off of sick people. They only need to show them how, if they are indeed sincere?...not profit off because they are sick and helpless ! Sorry man. Something about giving and taking... Its a two way street the way I see it..
Trying to corner a market by saying.. We're the only ones!
I'm not pointing out Doc at all actually. I'd say the same about the Charlotte Web people or anyone trying to make a buck off of sick people. They only need to show them how, if they are indeed sincere?...not profit off of the sick! Sorry man. Something about giving and taking... Its a two way street the way I see it..
Trying to corner a market by saying.. We're the only ones!

You do know that they give away clones for free? I don't see how that is making a profit off the weak.
You do know that they give away clones for free? I don't see how that is making a profit off the weak.
firstly...I don't know who THEY are... so I maybe off and taken off as well. :)
Free is good of course. Its nothing to give plants away though.
You can have hundreds to give away in a matter of an hour. :)
Not much time to give when its helping after all.
I don't know their website ill ask around, they travel all over california (and other places, just no need to list it.) and they drop off trays of fresh CBD rich rooted babies. There are people on a mission out here trying to get non psychoactive cannabis to people. Some of the older folks who are turned off by cannabis have changed their minds once they can try something that doesn't get them loopy.

Everyone is different and we all need what we need I just think there is more good about CBD than bad. Even if there are some people making a buck off it I don't see anyone making shit tons of cash off helpless people.
What a bunch of crap!
I just got everything back under control and now this happens.
The other day I started popping breakers in my flower room. The lights went on 40 mins late in the morning and then the breaker went again later in the evening. I couldn't figure out what caused it and just reset everything. Yesterday, it worked just fine all day but when i checked this morning the timer was fried and the lights never went out. The plants received 24 hours of straight light and the temps hit 97 degrees.
I am resting them now and will start the light cycle back up tomorrow.
Electrician on the way here now.....
Ive been thinking about what you said and it really makes a lot of sense. I checked my notes on this and my other plants in big pots and its happened more then once. Every time its happened was after transplanting to the larger pot. I always wait 7 days after trans to feed with nutes, before that, its just plain water. Maybe I need to give the big pot plants 10-14 days before nutes to fill out????

If you give them just water for the first 14 days of 12/12, they'll stretch like crazy and you'll probably lose a bit of flowering potential because of it. I'd just transplant them much sooner and use less nutes. Your plants were very dark by the time you switched, so you can definitely cut back a bit. I try to keep mine just a bit darker than lime green all through veg.

I germinate in containers exactly like the ones you use, then I transplant straight into the final pot after about two weeks (even if I use a 10 gallon container). This makes the roots reach every area of the pot by the time I get to flower. We probably have the same root mass at the same stage, but mine is wide-spread while yours is like a concentrated cylinder in the middle of the pot, after transplanting. The middle of the pot eats a lot, the outer edge eats very little (only new tips of roots in there). Those fresh new tips get damaged by the same amount of nutes. In the bigger pot, those tips consume everything that is outside your root cylinder. In a 10 gallon pot, there's probably about 4-6 inches of soil between the cylinder and the edge of the container; the fresh new root tips suck the moisture out of all that soil. In a 5 gallon pot, it's only 1-2 inches. The outer edge loses humidity faster, resulting in a higher concentration of nutes in a lower concentration of roots. The more soil there is, the more water you use, and the more water you use, the more nutes there is once the water evaporates.

If you try transplanting quicker to the bigger pot, water only the middle of the pot (around the stem) for the first week or two after transplanting. The outer edge will suck the moisture from the middle of the pot and encourage fast root growth. If you water the full pot, you'll extend veg time by a week or two because you'll have a real slow wet/dry cycle for a few weeks.

For the first "complete pot watering", try to get about 25% runoff, that'll flush the extra salt (shouldn't be much of it since you use less nutes).