CBD curing cancer

Thanks for that. I'm amassing quite a few sites in my Prostate bookmark folder. A buddy of mine here a few years younger than me just had a bone scan and his has spread to the bones so he's getting a drug called Leuprolide. I looked that up for him and it's for advanced cancer patients so he needs to get on RSO ASAP. He's been having a lot of bone pain and his PSA is over 60. His biopsy was positive for cancer too. Got a serious infection from that as well. If I ever get one it's going o be trans-perennial rather than trans-rectal. Way less side effects or chances of infection. He's now seeing the same urologist as me.

Since I started the RSO my LUTS, (Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms), have greatly improved. Whether it's killing cancer or causing a reduction of my enlarged prostate I'm not sure but it's doing positive things for sure. 90% of the time I piss like a teen ager and rarely have to get up at night to pee. The urgency seems to be gone.

My first two MRIs didn't find any tumours and I get another one mid-Aug so we'll see what's up then. If my PSA is down and my prostate has shrunk or at least not grown then I'll get another scan in a couple of years but that's it. The vast majority of prostate cancers in men over 65 will never cause any real problems and I'm betting I'm one of those guys. My testosterone is very high for a guy my age and that causes more DHT which increases the PSA but is not cancer related. The larger the prostate the higher the PSA too and mine is almost double the normal size at 75cc. My last PSA was 13.2 from 10.6 a year and a half earlier.

I'm not losing sleep over it and there's lots more I can do yet to make this crap go away. I have not yet begun to fight! :)

Thanks for that. I'm amassing quite a few sites in my Prostate bookmark folder. A buddy of mine here a few years younger than me just had a bone scan and his has spread to the bones so he's getting a drug called Leuprolide. I looked that up for him and it's for advanced cancer patients so he needs to get on RSO ASAP. He's been having a lot of bone pain and his PSA is over 60. His biopsy was positive for cancer too. Got a serious infection from that as well. If I ever get one it's going o be trans-perennial rather than trans-rectal. Way less side effects or chances of infection. He's now seeing the same urologist as me.

Since I started the RSO my LUTS, (Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms), have greatly improved. Whether it's killing cancer or causing a reduction of my enlarged prostate I'm not sure but it's doing positive things for sure. 90% of the time I piss like a teen ager and rarely have to get up at night to pee. The urgency seems to be gone.

My first two MRIs didn't find any tumours and I get another one mid-Aug so we'll see what's up then. If my PSA is down and my prostate has shrunk or at least not grown then I'll get another scan in a couple of years but that's it. The vast majority of prostate cancers in men over 65 will never cause any real problems and I'm betting I'm one of those guys. My testosterone is very high for a guy my age and that causes more DHT which increases the PSA but is not cancer related. The larger the prostate the higher the PSA too and mine is almost double the normal size at 75cc. My last PSA was 13.2 from 10.6 a year and a half earlier.

I'm not losing sleep over it and there's lots more I can do yet to make this crap go away. I have not yet begun to fight! :)

march 2014 i finally went to the doctor right before my 60th birthday after burying my mother next to my father who died of prostate cancer 20 years prior.
april 1st i got the results from my first psa test. 35.4
after a couple of months of diagnosis my prognosis was i had metastatic prostate cancer, my whole prostate was cancer and it was gleason 5+4, the most aggressive kind.
my research and my doctor said my cancer was inoperable and no treatment or drugs would extend my life and i had 3 months to 12 months to live and i should get my affairs in order.
i asked God for help and He told me to figure out how to save myself.
so i went to the internet and found rick simpson and started making rso using everclear.
wasn't really a cannabis user because i never liked the effects.
rso is worse. first time i did a little bit, i told myself i'd just have to die, and this is from someone who in 1972 did quite a bit of experimentation with lsd and psilocybin.
so i did the rso working up to three 333mg pills a day.
in the meanwhile, i also convinced blue cross and blue shield to pay for radiation in jax. insurance companies won't spend money on a walking dead man.
so since april 2014 i've averaged one gram a day at least. at one point i was taking 3 grams a day, one gram doses. idk if it was the iso i was using at the time, or the cbd in the large doses, but three grams a day, made with iso, def dinged my liver. lab results prove it.
oh yeah, btw, my testosterone was 884 in 2014 and the doctors in jax insisted i take castration drugs or i'd be wasting my time with radiation.
i never did any castration drugs and the doctors are like time share salespeople pushing it.
oh yeah, my doctors had never heard of THC kills cancer.
here's the really good news for u, my cancer is about the worse u can get, doctors that make their money snatching prostates out don't turn down work and tell u ur gonna die in three months, if it isn't really bad, but just the couple of months during diagnosis, just from taking extract, my psa dropped to 18.1 on july 15, 2014, and 16.1 just two weeks later right before beginning radiation.
i haven't seen a doctor since leaving jax sept 23, 2014 and i don't take any prescription drugs.
presently i take 4 pills of 400mg of solventless decarboxylated cannabis flower extract.
i didn't like iso and 190 everclear became impossible to get.
i use an ardent nova to decarb the flowers when they have dried about three days and then cure to about 70-75 in jars and then squash out edible activated medicine.
over 7 years now.
so my last psa test was 1-20-2020 and my psa was 0.4. i had been testing it every month and noting it's decreasing progression.
yeah, cannabis kills cancer but humans, animals, don't like the mental side effects.
if u start small and make ur medicine consistently the same, and make ur doses the same size and take the doses at the same time,
for me now, after over 7 years, me taking 400mg is about like the same mental effects as a human taking an aspirin.
smioking cannabis is like me smoking a cigarette, there is no "high".
the high from ingestion is from delta 11 and it's worse than smoking high.
what i've learned these past 7 years trying to help terminal cancer patients like myself is they hate the mental side effects so much, they give up on extract and die.
if u have any questions for me, i'm glad to help.
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march 2014 i finally went to the doctor right before my 60th birthday after burying my mother next to my father who died of prostate cancer 20 years prior.
april 1st i got the results from my first psa test. 35.4
after a couple of months of diagnosis my prognosis was i had metastatic prostate cancer, my whole prostate was cancer and it was gleason 5+4, the most aggressive kind.
my research and my doctor said my cancer was inoperable and no treatment or drugs would extend my life and i had 3 months to 12 months to live and i should get my affairs in order.
i asked God for help and He told me to figure out how to save myself.
so i went to the internet and found rick simpson and started making rso using everclear.
wasn't really a cannabis user because i never liked the effects.
rso is worse. first time i did a little bit, i told myself i'd just have to die, and this is from someone who in 1972 did quite a bit of experimentation with lsd and psilocybin.
so i did the rso working up to three 333mg pills a day.
in the meanwhile, i also convinced blue cross and blue shield to pay for radiation in jax. insurance companies won't spend money on a walking dead man.
so since april 2014 i've averaged one gram a day at least. at one point i was taking 3 grams a day, one gram doses. idk if it was the iso i was using at the time, or the cbd in the large doses, but three grams a day, made with iso, def dinged my liver. lab results prove it.
oh yeah, btw, my testosterone was 884 in 2014 and the doctors in jax insisted i take castration drugs or i'd be wasting my time with radiation.
i never did any castration drugs and the doctors are like time share salespeople pushing it.
oh yeah, my doctors had never heard of THC kills cancer.
here's the really good news for u, my cancer is about the worse u can get, doctors that make their money snatching prostates out don't turn down work and tell u ur gonna die in three months, if it isn't really bad, but just the couple of months during diagnosis, just from taking extract, my psa dropped to 18.1 on july 15, 2014, and 16.1 just two weeks later right before beginning radiation.
i haven't seen a doctor since leaving jax sept 23, 2014 and i don't take any prescription drugs.
presently i take 4 pills of 400mg of solventless decarboxylated cannabis flower extract.
i didn't like iso and 190 everclear became impossible to get.
i use an ardent nova to decarb the flowers when they have dried about three days and then cure to about 70-75 in jars and then squash out edible activated medicine.
over 7 years now.
so my last psa test was 1-20-2020 and my psa was 0.4. i had been testing it every month and noting it's decreasing progression.
yeah, cannabis kills cancer but humans, animals, don't like the mental side effects.
if u start small and make ur medicine consistently the same, and make ur doses the same size and take the doses at the same time,
for me now, after over 7 years, me taking 400mg is about like the same mental effects as a human taking an aspirin.
smioking cannabis is like me smoking a cigarette, there is no "high".
the high from ingestion is from delta 11 and it's worse than smoking high.
what i've learned these past 7 years trying to help terminal cancer patients like myself is they hate the mental side effects so much, they give up on extract and die.
if u have any questions for me, i'm glad to help.

That's pretty impressive and good to hear. We must be almost the exact same age as I turned 60 in Oct of 2014. 67 soon. I was adopted and have no info about my birth father at all but am looking into doing the DNA thing with a UK based company as she was of Scottish origin so my roots are there somewhere and I do know my birth mother's name. She passed just 6 months before I made contact and I have 5 half siblings. Seems mom was a naughty girl and got knocked up at age 17 but dad was 38 and his origin is not noted but was of 'fair complexion' so could be a lot of things.

Where are you getting your raw material for making RSO? Not specifically but home grown or a steady supply of the same stuff from elsewhere?

I've been growing my own steadily for 20 years but grew my first buds in 1978 so have been at it for a while now. I'm almost out of the last 12g batch I made and am going to use up all the stuff I have laying around and in the freezer to make one big batch of at least 3 or 4 oz of RSO and send a sample out for testing. There will be at least a dozen strains involved so should have a bit of everything in it which hopefully makes it better medicine than RSO made from a single strain.

I've been dosing almost daily for at least a couple months now but just estimating the dose by eye as I squeeze it out of a syringe. Once I make the big batch and know it's contents from the lab test I'll dilute with a carrier oil like MCT and make up caps for more consistent dosing. My last PSA was 13.4 and my 2nd MRI had my prostate at 75cc which was up from the first one two years prior at 60cc. Testosterone test done first thing after getting up in March 2018 was 930 so pretty high for an older guy.

From all my research it seems that my PSA is pretty much in line with the size of my prostate as it rises as the organ grows. My urologist is quite surprised my symptoms are as mild as they are but I'm taking supplements like saw pameto and zinc to help with that and ordering some other supplements that are supposed to reduce prostate size and lower DHT which causes PSA to rise. I've made up a list and found a site to order most from.

I had a sister die from ovarian cancer just over a year ago and she was taking RSO and a bunch of other things along with surgery and chemo. I have no idea about the quality or quantities of the RSO she was using so hard to tell if it just didn't work for her or she wasn't doing enough. My other sister seems to have symptoms indicating she could have it too but it's taking forever to get even a simple ultrasound to see if there's something going on in there.

That's really great that it's worked so well for you and I wish you continued success and when you do go it's at the hands of a jealous husband and not a terrible disease.

Good luck!

That's pretty impressive and good to hear. We must be almost the exact same age as I turned 60 in Oct of 2014. 67 soon. I was adopted and have no info about my birth father at all but am looking into doing the DNA thing with a UK based company as she was of Scottish origin so my roots are there somewhere and I do know my birth mother's name. She passed just 6 months before I made contact and I have 5 half siblings. Seems mom was a naughty girl and got knocked up at age 17 but dad was 38 and his origin is not noted but was of 'fair complexion' so could be a lot of things.

Where are you getting your raw material for making RSO? Not specifically but home grown or a steady supply of the same stuff from elsewhere?

I've been growing my own steadily for 20 years but grew my first buds in 1978 so have been at it for a while now. I'm almost out of the last 12g batch I made and am going to use up all the stuff I have laying around and in the freezer to make one big batch of at least 3 or 4 oz of RSO and send a sample out for testing. There will be at least a dozen strains involved so should have a bit of everything in it which hopefully makes it better medicine than RSO made from a single strain.

I've been dosing almost daily for at least a couple months now but just estimating the dose by eye as I squeeze it out of a syringe. Once I make the big batch and know it's contents from the lab test I'll dilute with a carrier oil like MCT and make up caps for more consistent dosing. My last PSA was 13.4 and my 2nd MRI had my prostate at 75cc which was up from the first one two years prior at 60cc. Testosterone test done first thing after getting up in March 2018 was 930 so pretty high for an older guy.

From all my research it seems that my PSA is pretty much in line with the size of my prostate as it rises as the organ grows. My urologist is quite surprised my symptoms are as mild as they are but I'm taking supplements like saw pameto and zinc to help with that and ordering some other supplements that are supposed to reduce prostate size and lower DHT which causes PSA to rise. I've made up a list and found a site to order most from.

I had a sister die from ovarian cancer just over a year ago and she was taking RSO and a bunch of other things along with surgery and chemo. I have no idea about the quality or quantities of the RSO she was using so hard to tell if it just didn't work for her or she wasn't doing enough. My other sister seems to have symptoms indicating she could have it too but it's taking forever to get even a simple ultrasound to see if there's something going on in there.

That's really great that it's worked so well for you and I wish you continued success and when you do go it's at the hands of a jealous husband and not a terrible disease.

Good luck!


back in 2014, the young girls i was hanging out with knew alot more about cannabis than me.
they were all heavy tokers.
wasn't legal in florida.
started out buying oz's of whatever black market was available and then switched to pounds.
buying cases of 190 everclear from nj and shipping it in.
btw, if u continue to make rso, buy a countertop water distiller to save ur solvent.
anyway, i never knew what i was getting.
best pull per oz was 7 grams, worst was 2 grams.
that's why weight means zero to me when talking squashing flowers.
the govt stopped letting them ship everclear, so i did a year or so with iso, pita but doable.
my method now requires that i use fresh grown cannabis of the highest quality.
my yield is only about 12%. if i counted my represses when u fold the puck in half a resquash, maybe 15-20%. depends on the flower in the bag.
rick says u take oil for 60 days and it should cure ur cancer, but if u also did radiation, u need to take it longer.

here's my best advice.
buy a 7 day pill minder.
buy 1000 #1 capsules and equally fill 21 pills and load ur pillminder.
start small and start taking ur pills at the same time everyday, just like u would a doctor's prescription of pills.
next batch increase the dose, etc until u get to a gram a day.
i am self employed, own and operate a 325 acre cattle ranch by myself, with zero humans around, so that helps with me medicating. i don't leave the ranch and don't allow visitors. i don't drive on the roads. everything is shipped to me.

ps over the years humans have wanted to try extract and i'd give them a pinhead size dab to ingest. one and done. even my little stoner gfs hated it.
i mean i've counseled cancer patients that hated the mental effects so much they chose death instead. it's not fun but i choose life, plus i gotta take care of my animals and i figure that's why God is keeping me on this planet.

if u find the extract just to be to difficult to take, start with suppositories, and add in the capsules. u don't need any extra stuff, just the extract will do.
thc kills the cancer.

pss the extract will lower ur testosterone. knocked mine down. at 884 i had already been doing the extract for awhile and my testosterone went down further on two subsequent tests to the 600 range. i mention this because if u stop taking extract, like i have temporaily, the testosterone comes back making "me" very testosteroney, if u get my drift. like i wanna punch somebody. testosterone makes taking extract more difficult go on and off it.
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I have most of a one pound bag of '00' caps and a Cap-M-Quik™ gizmo to do 50 at a time. A variety of syringes and other measuring devices along with a diploma in chemistry so can do all that stuff. We can buy EverClear 190 proof at the liquor stores here in Alberta and I have lab grade distillation gear, DIY still and a new countertop distiller so got those bases covered. I make naphtha from Coleman's Camp Stove fuel in my 4L DIY still and have a 2L bottle to use for reclaiming the solvent. I prefer not to use ethanol as we have a sordid history and it's not to be trusted. ;)

Naphtha won't work in the countertop unit as it isn't compatible with the gasket and my test run started leaking and running down the sides shortly after starting it up. Worked fine with ISO so have a couple gallons of that to make a big batch. I worked out how to use butane and reclaim it as I go along but don't have a pressure vessel to store it between runs so will stick with the ISO.

I'm not finding the oil hard to take. Kind of spoils the buzz for my evening pipe hits tho I still get the medicinal effects I use it for. Chronic depression, but taking RSO daily seems to help with that and my arthritis too.

We live on a small acreage with no one around and have very few visitors as well. I bought it almost 20 years ago but hoping to get the hell out of here and go back to civilization in a couple of years. Back to BC where the fishing is the best!

I have about a pound of hi-CBD pot in the freezer from a plant I grew outside last year and want to make RSO from that to also be tested so I can blend my doses and with CBD added I should be able to tolerate higher doses. Lot of research now that un-decarbed RSO could be even more effective and with much less of a high be tolerated easier at higher doses too but I'm going to stick with the original recipe for now.

I haven't been diagnosed with cancer yet and have another MRI scheduled for mid-August so hope to see some shrinkage of my prostate and hopefully a lower PSA as I plan to have that tested a couple weeks before the MRI. My urologist has been pushing me to get a biopsy but there is no indication of a tumour so screw that. At my age it's almost certain that it will be positive then he's going to want to get in there and start cutting and that's not happening unless things go real sideways.

I have a local buddy a few years younger than me who has been recently diagnosed with stage 4 and it's spread to his bones. He smokes as much pot as he can get his hands on but doesn't seem to want to go on RSO. His doctor referred him to the same urologist as me. I think he's in denial about it so will bring up the subject next time I see him

I have most of a one pound bag of '00' caps and a Cap-M-Quik™ gizmo to do 50 at a time. A variety of syringes and other measuring devices along with a diploma in chemistry so can do all that stuff. We can buy EverClear 190 proof at the liquor stores here in Alberta and I have lab grade distillation gear, DIY still and a new countertop distiller so got those bases covered. I make naphtha from Coleman's Camp Stove fuel in my 4L DIY still and have a 2L bottle to use for reclaiming the solvent. I prefer not to use ethanol as we have a sordid history and it's not to be trusted. ;)

Naphtha won't work in the countertop unit as it isn't compatible with the gasket and my test run started leaking and running down the sides shortly after starting it up. Worked fine with ISO so have a couple gallons of that to make a big batch. I worked out how to use butane and reclaim it as I go along but don't have a pressure vessel to store it between runs so will stick with the ISO.

I'm not finding the oil hard to take. Kind of spoils the buzz for my evening pipe hits tho I still get the medicinal effects I use it for. Chronic depression, but taking RSO daily seems to help with that and my arthritis too.

We live on a small acreage with no one around and have very few visitors as well. I bought it almost 20 years ago but hoping to get the hell out of here and go back to civilization in a couple of years. Back to BC where the fishing is the best!

I have about a pound of hi-CBD pot in the freezer from a plant I grew outside last year and want to make RSO from that to also be tested so I can blend my doses and with CBD added I should be able to tolerate higher doses. Lot of research now that un-decarbed RSO could be even more effective and with much less of a high be tolerated easier at higher doses too but I'm going to stick with the original recipe for now.

I haven't been diagnosed with cancer yet and have another MRI scheduled for mid-August so hope to see some shrinkage of my prostate and hopefully a lower PSA as I plan to have that tested a couple weeks before the MRI. My urologist has been pushing me to get a biopsy but there is no indication of a tumour so screw that. At my age it's almost certain that it will be positive then he's going to want to get in there and start cutting and that's not happening unless things go real sideways.

I have a local buddy a few years younger than me who has been recently diagnosed with stage 4 and it's spread to his bones. He smokes as much pot as he can get his hands on but doesn't seem to want to go on RSO. His doctor referred him to the same urologist as me. I think he's in denial about it so will bring up the subject next time I see him

when i got my first lab 35.4, i found a forum, yana prostate cancer(u are not alone)and u could plug in ur numbers and find other men worldwide in ur same predicament.
didn't do me much good because they were all dead!
ya, i had a biopsy done. usually they take 12 cores, after three my doctor stopped. with my prostate basically being one big tumor, it was like he wasshooting a needle into one of my testicles.
ur doctor probably won't confirm ur diagnosis until he does a biopsy and they grade the tissue samples.
knowing what i know now after 7 plus years of surviving terminal cancer, i'd buy an ardent nova, a 12ton dabpress with pump, a sleeve of dulyteks 100micron filter, and a box of oil slick silicone paper and start making medicine and doing like i said or likei do, same way the doctors do, one pill three times a day, i do 4 times a day now. 400mg pure extract per dose, weapons grade but feels like nothing to me.
then do ur watchful waiting and do a lab once a month. i just paid out of pocket. it was like $35 a lab.
not a fan of cbd. i don't mind the trace amounts in my extract but i think it was a heavy cbd strain i was using when i was taking 3000mg a day and i think the cbd is what dinged my liver.
normally, no human would ever take as much as i was taking, but it definitely hurt my liver. either cbd did or iso.
read up on epidiolex.

as far as loading the capsules, i store my extract in syringes in the frig and take one out to fill a weeks worth of capsules at a time. if ur trying to kill cancer, u need thc. period.
if u fill up more than a weeks worth, just that little bit of air in the capsule will weaken it over time.
u probably do have cancer but how much, how aggressive, is yet to be determined.
if u go on 3 a day like i suggest, by the time of ur next appt u sb having a much lower psa.
i would take it very seriously until u find out what exactly ur prostate cancer is.
or just take extract three times a day 333mg per dose, and u sb good.
my urologist told me he removed a 2000cc prostate from a man that wasn't cancerous.
so size doesn't mean anything, other than making it hard to urinate.
it took me 7 years to get acclimated to this level. use to be, like tmrw, i need to work cattle, so i would skip a dose or delay a dose so i'd not be stupid and get hurt working the cows but now i just take my pill at my specified time, and it's about like humans taking an aspirin.
1600mg a day is alot.
because of covid i haven't had a lab since 1-20-2020, so i don't know if my liver has fully recovered yet.
what i do different from others using edible rosin is,
to help speed up the harvesting, curing part, which we all know is a really big deal, i hang for three days, clip the outside crunchy buds directly off into the ardent nova(i have her original model so because i'm decarbing uncured bud, theres still lots of moisture so i turn it upside down so the electronics in the bottom don't short out).
saves a lot of time plus i'm trying to make the decarbing as uniformed as possible.
then i press the decarbed flower. the rosin guys decarb afterwards.
i've done it both ways and for killing cancer, or just mecicine,
solventless decarboxylated cannabis flower extract is perfect.
just heat and pressure, no additives, less chlorophyll.
that's why they call it "luxury" medicine.
if ur life isn't worth it, then what is.
Friend of my mom's is 70 years old and has been smoking cannabis heavily his entire life. He got stage 3 prostate cancer and had to remove it. The problem is many of these tests are en vitro -- not on cancer cells inside humans. Maybe they can make more potent cancer medications from cannabis, but don't think smoking or eating it is going to prevent you getting cancer. Everyone gets cancer eventually if heart disease doesn't get you first.
Hey all,, watched a video the other day about a scientist ,biologist and professor from Israel working with CBD and cancer cells,
He has a huge laboratory in Israel which is government-backed for medicinal purposes,, he was basically growing live cancer in test tubes and then treating those cancer cells with CBD, he found different strains of cannabis killed the cancerous cells, but different types of cancer reacted to different strains of CBD, what killed pancreatic cancer was useless against breast cancer, what killed breast cancer was no good for prostate cancer, and so on,. he was working with 160 different cannabis strains all containing high levels of CBD, his work and his team also discovered 144 different cannabinoids
I don't know if he has had any human trials as yet,, but I find this research fascinating,,
Love to get hold of his list of what particular strain reacted to what particular cancer strain,,
Has anybody else heard or seen anything about this I'm sure it isn't new
check out rick simpson oil y tube.
Friend of my mom's is 70 years old and has been smoking cannabis heavily his entire life. He got stage 3 prostate cancer and had to remove it. The problem is many of these tests are en vitro -- not on cancer cells inside humans. Maybe they can make more potent cancer medications from cannabis, but don't think smoking or eating it is going to prevent you getting cancer. Everyone gets cancer eventually if heart disease doesn't get you first.

Smoking pot is the least efficient way to get cannabinoids into your system to do the heavy lifting needed to fight cancer. RSO shrunk my prostate down to 55cc from 75cc in just 4 months. 40cc is normal for a healthy and much younger prostate. I'll be 68 in October and take no pharma meds for anything. I take a small dose of RSO every day and have started adding CBD to it with chocolates I made in a gummy mould to see if that helps. Having another MRI in Dec to see how things are going. Having one in October on my brain to check for MS which my pot use all my life may be slowed down as I've had symptoms for around 10 years and not doing to bad yet.

My wife was diagnosed with 11 liver tumours a few years ago and I got her doing RSO right away tho she never uses pot. Shrunk those and some disappeared so it's doing good stuff. Her glaucoma scores went way down as an added bonus so she doesn't need meds for that either.

Guys in my age range have a 75% chance of having prostate cancer but over 95% of those are so slow growing that you'll die from something else long before it becomes an issue and I'm betting I got that kind if I have it at all. The MRIs don't show anything amiss but my PSA is a bit high and that concerns my urologist much more than it does me. I'm not having a biopsy unless a scan shows a tumour or some other abnormality that would indicate severe cancer.

Not everybody gets cancer tho it sure seems like it these days. My mom turns 95 this month and other than minor skin pre-cancers that get frozen off has a good chance of making 100. So much for my inheritance. ;)

Smoking pot is the least efficient way to get cannabinoids into your system to do the heavy lifting needed to fight cancer. RSO shrunk my prostate down to 55cc from 75cc in just 4 months. 40cc is normal for a healthy and much younger prostate. I'll be 68 in October and take no pharma meds for anything. I take a small dose of RSO every day and have started adding CBD to it with chocolates I made in a gummy mould to see if that helps. Having another MRI in Dec to see how things are going. Having one in October on my brain to check for MS which my pot use all my life may be slowed down as I've had symptoms for around 10 years and not doing to bad yet.

My wife was diagnosed with 11 liver tumours a few years ago and I got her doing RSO right away tho she never uses pot. Shrunk those and some disappeared so it's doing good stuff. Her glaucoma scores went way down as an added bonus so she doesn't need meds for that either.

Guys in my age range have a 75% chance of having prostate cancer but over 95% of those are so slow growing that you'll die from something else long before it becomes an issue and I'm betting I got that kind if I have it at all. The MRIs don't show anything amiss but my PSA is a bit high and that concerns my urologist much more than it does me. I'm not having a biopsy unless a scan shows a tumour or some other abnormality that would indicate severe cancer.

Not everybody gets cancer tho it sure seems like it these days. My mom turns 95 this month and other than minor skin pre-cancers that get frozen off has a good chance of making 100. So much for my inheritance. ;)

That's good to hear. I never heard of RSO before now but I read about it and it seems very potent. If they could make a version that doesn't get you too high then it could be a great medication.

And what I meant by everyone gets cancer eventually is if you live long enough, your cell division processes get problematic, creating more cancerous cells. We all have cancer every day actually, but a healthy immune system destroys cancerous cells before they can take over so it isn't a problem.

Depending on genetics, after a certain age the immune system cannot keep up with the increased damaged cell divisions and you "get cancer." Anywhere you have constant cell division can be an area of cancer the most common areas are colorectal, breast, lung and skin due to the immense speed of cell creation there. Notice no one ever gets "heart cancer" since cardio cells don't divide, they're fixed in number. Same with skeletal muscular tissue.

But most people die of heart disease first in this country due to many factors. In France, most people die of cancer due to the lower cardiovascular disease prevalence.

Your mom still seems to be doing well that's good. I hope she stays healthy and has a long life.
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I got into the business because of thc having such an effect against cancer cells. I started making rso from others trim for a dear friend who had lukemia,when he used it he would get better. He eventually gave in to his wife who told him he was nothing more than a dirty dope fiend for using weed snake oil,took his chemo pills & eventually succumbed to the disease. Since ive Helped Many make their own rso & Fully Recover from many different cancers. Most after docs "practicing" on them for years til it was beyond hope & sent them home to die. My continued research shows cancer is a bacterial fungal disease that becomes microbial & chemotherapies are nothing more than protein specific antibiotics as every organ in your body produces a different protein. Ive always been a thc cures it person but as time goes on im seeing many treating their cancers with cbd only & having much success. I infuse my rso with nano silver at the end instead of washing with distilled water alone because nano/colloidal silver has a Devastating effect on Anything bacterial,fungal or viral. I also make a rub for damaged joints with rso, iso alcohol, coconut oil & dmso. It seems to heal joints that dont bear weight, anything above the waist. I look at it like this, carbon based medicines heal carbon based creatures, synthetics only buffer symptoms. All ingredients are fibrous ,cannabis one of the strongest natural fibers,Coconut oil,Theyre all fiber, iso alc comes from wood, fiber & dmso which also comes from wood,a byproduct of making paper. Our bones & flesh are fibrous. Our bodies reject synthetics or foreign matter. Ive had great simple success with just silver & dmso on skin cancers. It almost seems as if our bodies are pushing out/rejecting something synthetic,probably glyphosate/roundup but on many of us it doesnt become a problem until our body pushes it thru the dermal layer, then the staph that exists on Everyones skin infests the wound & becomes an open cancerous sore. I get them on my scalp & when I use the silver dmso on them within a couple weeks im able to pull an amber clear chip from that area,probably synthetic, just dont have the money to lab it. Since ive cut corn in my diet by 90% & wheat by 60% i get way less of these cancerous/pre cancerous skin problems. Just Saying. Take it for what you will. Theres been hit pieces done by the media on colloidal silver, dmso & Cannabis for decades & the fda Hates All 3. I wonder why ?