causes for this problem?


Well-Known Member
I have only 2 plants. They aren't that big but fairly close together. On one ive noticed that one of id say 4 main branches has little to no resin production yet the rest of the plant looks good any ideas?


Well-Known Member
How are you growing ....are they the same strain what stage are they in and last but not least pictures always help no matter what my friend .......I don't mind helping but it need more info


Well-Known Member
Not the same strain. My plant thats doing fine is a cookies bag seed. The one having problems is either a holy ghost or a tangelope clone. Not sure which. Il take pics in the morning


Well-Known Member
Yes get some pics and two different strains can do different things as soon as you post pics hot me up il be glad to look for you


Well-Known Member
This is an interesting question. Whys there no resin. The problem is theres no details on the growing details. The problems probably bad genetics but it could also be not enough food or maybe its not ripe yet. Tough to say cause theres nothing to work with besides that theres two plants. Yes.