Cause for concern? Leaf problem.

Hi people
Last couple of days some of the fan leaves have turned this sort of colour I am wondering if it could be lack of nutrient but I am following the feed guide to the letter. Any feed back would be great. Thanks in advance.


OK so the p.h is always around 5.5 Temps are 80-85 down to 70 when lights off. I have them in a quality soil (the name escapes me) with bat pellets. I have been using old Timers nutrients and not been adding anything else at this point as I naively pressured there would be enough goodness in the soil. Best pics I have of recent.



Well-Known Member
how about a look at the whole plant,and give some more info.Problems are not usually isolated to just one leaf,its normally the result of a bigger issue,you could be feeding your plant with goat piss for all we know. know Cal/Mg is the go to. And I just assumed he WAS feeding it with goat piss. bongsmilie j/k

Resin is right, more info for proper diag. Could be you started flower a week ago and this is the start of P def. We just dont know yet.


Well-Known Member
Shit man, they're probably about done. Lets see some trichs.. Whats the strain? Whats the breeder say the flower time is?
They come from cuttings 1 was a saliva plant but didn't have a name the rest where a Buddha cheese from seed. From what I have found I am looking at about 9 weeks flowering for the cheese.


Well-Known Member
They look like they are drying up. I *think* that might be salt doing that. Hows your humidity? Salt and low humidity dries 'em up quick. I have one now doing the same thing and I just flushed it. I'm at about week 7 too. Mine is only a 60 day strain so I am just about done.


Well-Known Member
you plants look generally healthy,you will see fan leaves dieing off in late flower no matter what you do,i wouldnt sweat that too much unless it starts advancing up the plant rapidly.Ph is too low for soil,you should be around 6.5 right now.I must have have missed that.Hopefully a typo
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Well-Known Member
Looks like a mid to late cal issue to me also. I am experiencing the same thing. You need to add some form of cal and mag, its a must if using ro water.
Humidity is good so I am going OK I will make some adjustments and see how they go. Thanks for all the advice especially Orbo and Resin it's much appreciated.