Caught this fucker in my shower...


Well-Known Member
if it makes you feel any better....

when i moved into a new spot..... my master bedroom had an infestation of spiders. we would use our bathroom and notice spider webs being laid like REAL quick.

so i started looking around and why is there a small web with like 10-15 little baby spiders. I knew then i had to find the problem.

apparently the duct work was disconnected and they where being sucked in or something....

and if that doesnt make you feel better.

i've seen 5 black widows in or around my yard!!!

wanna trade your brown recluse for my black widows?? lol


Well-Known Member
damn i feel sorry for you, around here we have the cousin of that one we call hobo spiders, just as poisonous but not as aggressive, but still not something i want to deal with, orkin man on speed dial.


Well-Known Member
Where are you located? I live in Central CA, Desert, We have desert recluse's here, but the venom is like 1/100 of a true brown recluse. I've been involved with pest control since 1992 and that doesn't look like a brown. I DO NOT know if that particular type has the Bad venom or not, but I would sure get those entimologist's (spell chk'r is down lol) from the university to come over quick!!!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
We get big brown recluse's here...I kill at least 1 a week...The problem I have with the spiders is the scorpions come in and eat them.. My son got stung a couple of weeks ago by one that was looking for spiders....


New Member
Fuck brown recluses that shit is fucked up. the worst part is theres usually not just like 1 or 2 together, they hide in damn packs. was watching this show and there where like 20 behind this ladys headboard and like every night she would get bit atleast once. She lived and they had to search the whole house to find them.


Active Member
brown recluse spiders are one of the most common house spiders in midwest united states there in almost every house they hide in boxes, shoes, beds under clothes there not aggressive most bites are from pressing against spider on accident most bites don't cause necrosis but some do.
bites are rare lots of recluse bites are misdiagnosed.
just bomb your house and be careful when cleaning watch where you put hands and feet.


Well-Known Member
Considering I freak out when I see a spider in my house (none are venomous up here) that thing just scares the shit out of me.


Well-Known Member
she wants you to let them go outside? ..... why so they can tell their friends wow nice and warm it is inside ? hey guys you gotta come check this place out. no thanks squash em !!!!