Caught the Girls Curling... Help me FIX them


Well-Known Member
Quick Question, plants are looking better than ever after the transplant yesterday and it doesn't even look like they noticed i changed their pots :grin:

Here are 2 pics of the latest problem tho.. One plants leaves look healthy but they are curling in on themselves and feel a little dry almost... and look a little dry.

Wondering what the causes may be.. going to add some dolmite lime to make sure the ph is neutral with my next feed later but otherwise air is circulating well, not too hot in there and the light is not too close to the plants. hmmmm maybe youv seen this type of thing before.?

First indoor Grow
400 w MH
Nutrients are on Journal
Dont water too often (allow to dry)

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Well-Known Member
Reading up on it now and most places say that the main reason people say plants have a MG deficiency is not due to lack of Magnesium in your products and it is normally due to an unbalanced (not neutral) PH which is causing nutrient lockout... If my PH is not neutral im guessing its a lockout and not MG Def.? Or should i still add salts or nutrients to re-correct it..


New Member
a little salts wont hurt i have plants in the same condition right now waiting for my compost tea to finish brewing. i PH my water everyday part of my checklist.


New Member
If it is locked out, adding more will not correct the isue. Howevr, how long are you going between waterings? And what have you been feeding them?


Well-Known Member
If it is locked out, adding more will not correct the isue. Howevr, how long are you going between waterings? And what have you been feeding them?
They are in big pots so i water one day on, one day off... i find they do get really dry everyday tho. Also on my gallery there is a picture of my nutrients. Its the Grow nutrients now.. Just added a spoon or two of bat guano and dolmite lime to neutralise PH it was sitting at 7.


New Member
Well, I will be honest as always and say I may be wrong. I am just going by Jorge's bible. I don't believe it too be an Mg deficiency. If it were the tips (not the sides) would be curling up and looking a bit burnt. Also with Mg deficiency it starts with interveinal yellowing. Your plants are very nicely colored.

Now what is really confusing me is the sides curling up like that is usually an indication of under watering and if you are watering every other day, that cannot be the case.

But again, I am not always right. I will wait too see who else chimes in maybe we can both learn something.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
"N" toxicity stop use of - flush - sign of: plant leaves look like claws and leaves are a dark green, common issue with growers