Well...if he pays for it, it would piss me off.You can find dirty shit for free to jerk off to.I personally don't like viruses, either. Now, I'm not saying she was in the right, but there may be other issues.If he's avoiding having sex with her to jerk off online,I can understand some hurt and frustration on her part.Is it cheating? No, unless he's actually conversing with girls in order to set up live sex. I masturbate, myself.I don't really need to look at any porn, though.Masturbation is personal time, it's about me.He's not there to participate,or watch.It's about me, getting off,focusing on me.And everyone should do that once in a while.
She shouldn't have stabbed him, I'm not advocating that, let me make clear.But a discussion of why it bothers her and maybe an effort on his part to make sure he's done before she's home, and to clear the browser history, could have solved this.If she were rational.I sense that perhaps she has big self esteem issues.I sense there were sexual problems in the relationship.It seems like things came to a head in a bad way.
This leads me to my second question.
Are there any ladies in here that consider masturbation cheating? I mean really...I hope there aren't any ladies that diluted on this website, but who knows.