Yuk Yuk.. Catt I was in line at the Stop and Shop buying a couple of bottles of MOXIE!! The guy behind me in line said I always wondered who the guy was who bought that shit!! It's foul but I like it.
Thanks for the photos Chief! I won't tell anyone you sent them to me and payment is on the way. Sigh... Actually the only thing I get to see naked is my loving wife but Ha Ha, I'm no treat either. Just turned 54 on Monday and I remember when my Johnson hung lower than the jewels. These days when I sit on the hopper the jewels dangle in the water. It just ain't right. Just imagine an old naked man. Yikes!!
Still working on my outdoor chit but I may have seriously brain farted when I put out the varieties I did!!

AVERAGE first frost is 10/15 here at 42 degress and I just wasn't thinking! %^$*& The OG#18, Cheese, Super Silver, Delahaze and Budda Tahoe all seem to require a longer season than I can give them. I sure hope I am wrong!! ( ALWAYS do your research B4 you plant) God Damm sons of bitches!! I do have some Skunks out there but they are not doing very well comparatively. I sure wish I could somehow rush them a bit cause I know I'm not gonna stop winter. I'm so worried I think I'm going to be sick.
I can't wait to move back indoors Guys. You can grow big outdoors but you have ZERO control. Inside it's safe from predators and other pests. I'm just talking in tongues and praying for a late frost or that I'm wrong. Just to add to the NIGHTMARE is the fact I will be in Cuba for two weeks right about first frost time so I can't even harvest them if a frost is forecast. WTF!!! Who the hell goes to Cuba in the first place and even more importantly who goes to Cuba during bow season and harvest time.
Yuk Yuk.. Catt I was in line at the Stop and Shop buying a couple of bottles of MOXIE!! The guy behind me in line said I wonder who the guy was who bought that shit!! It's foul but I like it.
That's for the photos Chief! I won't tell anyone you sent them to me and payment is on the way. Sigh... Actually the only thing I get to see naked is my loving wife but Ha Ha, I'm no treat either. Just turned 54 on Monday and I remember when my Johnson hung lower than the jewels. These days when I sit on the hopper the jewels dangle in the water. It just ain't right.
Still working on my outdoor chit but I may have seriously brain farted when I put out the varieties I did!!

AVERAGE first frost is 10/15 here at 42 degress and I just wasn't thinking! %^$*& The OG#18, Cheese, Super Silver, Delahaze and Budda Tahoe all seem to require a longer season than I can give them. I sure hope I am wrong!! God Damm sons of bitches!! I do have some Skunks out there but they are not doing very well comparatively. I sure wish I could somehow rush them a bit cause I know I'm not gonna stop winter. I'm so worried I think I'm going to be sick.
I can't wait to move back indoors Guys. You can grow big outdoors but you have ZERO control. Inside it's safe from predators and other pests. I'm just talking in tongues and praying for a late frost or that I'm wrong. Just to add to the NIGHTMARE is the fact I will be in Cuba for two weeks right about first frost time so I can't even harvest them if a frost is forecast. WTF!!! Who the hell goes to Cuba in the first place and even more importantly who goes to Cuba during bow season and harvest time.
You can't cry over spilt milk but you can cry like a baby if this works out the way I think it might. Shoot me some MegaKarma.