dude cats love to get high. catnip and weed are closely related, as well as hops (for beer) well i should say that like all ppl, some cats prefer not to get stoned. 15 er so years ago, my best friend and i had a buttload of mexi. and decided to put my cat in a pine chest, that we cut a hole into. at first the cat was distressed, but obviously was calming down after a few puffs into the chest. after a blazeout and a soak, we let her out of the box. she was purring and slant eyed at this moment. and immediately ate enuf cat food fer 4. followed buy cat turning into warm purring mass of i love you daddy. we did this to this cat fer years. the thing is though after the first 3 or 4 times stuffing her into the chest, she would jump in willingly if we opened it. a few more times after that, the cat wouls hear us open a bag in the room, and would jump onto the box until we "let " her in. this cat is still alive and lives with my mom, and always makes an appearance when we are smoking. this cat has been getting stoned fer over 15 years and still loves it. her name is checkers