Catch it early....(pics Inc.)


Well-Known Member
Just x-fered my hempy set to a DWC and having a couple problems. May not be a major issue but i want to catch this early. I figure this could also be new growth.


There's some cupping and some burning on the very tips on just a couple leaves. I was thinking there might be too much salt in my nut. solution. I am using general hydorponics 3-part nutes with cal/mag, sweet, and a little Peroxide (Hydro grade) to supplement my water. PH sits at about 6.5 this week. Waiting on my PH up and down in the mail.


Here's some root porn, this is after 5 days. You can see, there's plenty o2 getting to the roots. But the problems did not show till today....

Any help will result in +rep thanks!

ADD: Oh yeah, I am using 1/2 str. Nute solution while the plant is small.
I pretty sure that you are over feeding your plants with too much nutes witch would cause the leaf tips to burn and there could be a chance of heat stress or toxic salt build up if the leafs are cupping.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick reply. I dont think heat is a problem as the room stays 73-75. I'm pretty sure that now that the roots are in water the nutes are hitting it harder. Time to add water.....