CAT, Spider Mites, Ruined & Stolen Crops WARNING


Well-Known Member
Would cat throw up in my soil help N-P-K????????jk Oh forgot to mention cat ate plant first, then I dropped a light on love the thread guys! I read shit on here for about 3 months before asking info. OR POSTING.


Well-Known Member
Nothing for nothing but if the same questions are being asked then it's this simple......... Don't freakin' answer them. Some of us are new and listen to what other people have to say. Therefore it gets a little confusing for us NOoBS and we turn to u, the so called veterans. If ur a person who likes to help people it shouldn't matter how many times a question is asked, what's important is u did UR part as a Human Being to contribute to someone's dilemma. If ur just answering questions but thinking to urself, "this idiots a retard," don't bother helping that person cause it's not coming from the heart. UR JUST FAKING THE FRONT! U KNOW INSIDE URSELF THAT I"M RIGHT! So on that note I promise, that once I get this down pact, I will start a thread that people can come ask question as many times as they so chose to, but at the end of the day when people are so grateful and content because of the little help that someone could have been to that person, then that will make me happy. Cause I know what it's like to want to make sure I'm doing the right things for the growth of my babies. AND MY KITTEN ATE MY PLANTS 3 DAYS AGO! It made me want to cry but u live and learn! My kitten won't be going in my grow room. We're all human in this room, so guess what.......... WE ALL MAKE FREAKIN MISTAKES! Yes the questions sometimes can be retorical and stupid. If it bothers u so much..... Don't answer them. Someone will! So I hope this didn't offend anyone. Just like people had their opinions about people needing help(cause in the long run, no matter how stupid the question is, they're just lookin for help), I have my opinion on people bashing people! PEACE, LOVE, UNITY, and RESPECT. (words to live by!)


Well-Known Member
Nothing for nothing but if the same questions are being asked then it's this simple......... Don't freakin' answer them. Some of us are new and listen to what other people have to say. Therefore it gets a little confusing for us NOoBS and we turn to u, the so called veterans. If ur a person who likes to help people it shouldn't matter how many times a question is asked, what's important is u did UR part as a Human Being to contribute to someone's dilemma. If ur just answering questions but thinking to urself, "this idiots a retard," don't bother helping that person cause it's not coming from the heart. UR JUST FAKING THE FRONT! U KNOW INSIDE URSELF THAT I"M RIGHT! So on that note I promise, that once I get this down pact, I will start a thread that people can come ask question as many times as they so chose to, but at the end of the day when people are so grateful and content because of the little help that someone could have been to that person, then that will make me happy. Cause I know what it's like to want to make sure I'm doing the right things for the growth of my babies. AND MY KITTEN ATE MY PLANTS 3 DAYS AGO! It made me want to cry but u live and learn! My kitten won't be going in my grow room. We're all human in this room, so guess what.......... WE ALL MAKE FREAKIN MISTAKES! Yes the questions sometimes can be retorical and stupid. If it bothers u so much..... Don't answer them. Someone will! So I hope this didn't offend anyone. Just like people had their opinions about people needing help(cause in the long run, no matter how stupid the question is, they're just lookin for help), I have my opinion on people bashing people! PEACE, LOVE, UNITY, and RESPECT. (words to live by!)

I think you may be missing the point. It's just funny when people have no idea on how to grow. It's all a work in progress for all of us. Everyone goes through a process of tweaking and re-tweaking their grow systems and practices to work out the "bugs". If I would have known about something like Roll it up when I first started growing, Im sure I would have been all over here with the stupid questions too.

Chill out, smoke a doob, and ask away.

p.s. No, you can't grow good herb with halogen lamps!


Elite Rolling Society
Bros and Sisters, I started this thread NOT to be offensive to anyone, but to be helpful and funny and give us all a laugh. I actually spend time daily hunting and helping the unanswered newbie questions and I am always gald to help a newbie, just like fellow growers helped me here three years ago.

Go back and read the very first post again, I was actully trying to be helpful there.


Elite Rolling Society
CAT, Spider Mites, Ruined & Stolen Crops WARNING

Just this week, I saw two new posts or threads about the dang cat ruining someone's crop. I see one to three posts a week, everyweek, about the cat eating, pissing on, and crapping on their plants. You can not allow a cat in your grow room.
BEWARE! You've been warned.

AND every week, I see where a new grower got the Spider Mites in his buds, because he never did anything to prevent them. It is so easy to spray a little pesticide around the perimeter of your grow room, and up the walls just a little. (I use HOMEGUARD FROM LOWES) You can not bring anything from outdoors into your growroom. You'll get bugs!
BEWARE! You've been warned.

And every week here, we see someone have their plants taken or stolen.
It is usually a neighbor, X-Wife or X-Girlfriend or good trusted buddy. Sometimes it is a parent. DO NOT TELL ANYONE, DO NOT TRUST A X. ALL NEIGHBORS ARE NOSEY AND WATCH YOU.
BEWARE! You've been warned.

And there is the BROKEN LIGHT, or the FALLEN LIGHT that killed or ruined a plant. Everyone sometimes drops a light, but we could all be a little bit more careful. So be careful!
BEWARE! You've been warned.

And there is the every week post of "too much". I used too much so and so, and killed my plants. Nutrients are like words, or sort of like toothpaste, once it's out there, it is out there, and it can not be taken back.
BEWARE! You've been warned.

And the old "my buddy (that never grew a tomato) told me to try______________" in my water, soil, or tank. Or "I tried______________ and my plants are turning yellow, what should I do?"
Creek and River Water, Cat Urine, Any Urine, Bananas, (yes, there is a new post today asking about bananas) Peanut Shells, Bat Poop, Cat Poop, Poop Poop, are a few you might hear. AND be careful with mollassas in your Hydro Tank too.
BEWARE! You've been warned.

Did I forget any?
BEWARE! You've been warned.


Well-Known Member
steadmanclan is right, We are all learing and tweaking, I go through threads to help people, and learn new things. and I just fuked up some hydro tomato plants due to shitty water. But I did my research before asking questions I could easily find the answers myself. But, when you ask about seed banks when there are 15000 threads on who and how to order them, come the f on. Do a simple search and figure it out. Example, my first grow a while ago, when flowering , I experenced a hay smell from my plant, asked and nobody really knew what was up. Plant flowered normally and finished good, smell was gone after curing. That was a wierd problem and still dont know wtf happened, but I searched for threads on it before asking. Point-please do research before starting the 380000th thread on where i should buy seeds. Cool?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i don't mind helping but when i ref. the grow FAQ or other threads and get attitude about if they wanted to read they wouldn't have posted gets under my skin


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i don't mind helping but when i ref. the grow FAQ or other threads and get attitude about if they wanted to read they wouldn't have posted gets under my skin
but telling someone to read the grow fax in my mind is not helping because honestly how long ago were they written. this way they can get more updated info from grows going on right now. like someone said so they can TWEEK their grow. and yes i hate answering the same ? i will if i want to and not if i don't, but i will never say read the grow fax. with that much effort i wil answer the ?. but i think i did say that once a while back .


Well-Known Member
Noob: Can you find me the righth kind of light to grow weed on eBay?

Shnkrmn: Yes, I can. Now go get an eBay account and find one for yourself!

I too, try to help people on newbie central and in noob grow journals. It's true; they don't want to read, but want to be told the facts. I think it's that reading is a solitary activity and posting on here is all tribal and cool; 'hey, we're all cool weed growers here'.

Non-readers irritate me. the basic information in the growfaq is not 'out of date'. Dirt, water, food, light, plant. That's it. And if you are noob you shouldn't be growing in water.


Well-Known Member
and by the way, ye all thread subscribers...I wonder how many noobs would actually read through this post, and even if doing so, just shrug it off and miss the entire point of what Roseman is saying? so in reality, he is yelling at all of us. not the noobs.
I mean shit, it aint even in the Noob section.
the way I see it is like this...there are over a million posts, yet at any one given time there is always between 680 and 801 users online. never more or less.


Well-Known Member
So using Drain cleaner as a nutrient supplement is a bad thing???? Good thing I just read this post. Thanks for the info