Cat Poop in the Planter

Hey my cat did a shit in my pot plant, it's cat urine you have to worry about, take the shit out and give the plant a flush.. also my cat did it a second time only full on dug out the plant and buried it and my plant is fine. Your plant will be ok :)

Thanks brotha!
Not a bad assumption, but no. The wife was just as pissed as I was. Hopefully I’ll have an update on the cat being dead soon. Stay tuned.
I know when I find poo, I automatically wish for that animals death. I really hope you're kidding. Im guessing this was the first cat you've ever seen. Unlike dogs, cats are usually pretty good at jumping over objects to get into areas they might find fun. These cats are called outdoor cats. They like to roam around, looking for random pots to poop in. I suggest you gain some thicker skin, or look into your affliction with hypochondria.
I know when I find poo, I automatically wish for that animals death. I really hope you're kidding. Im guessing this was the first cat you've ever seen. Unlike dogs, cats are usually pretty good at jumping over objects to get into areas they might find fun. These cats are called outdoor cats. They like to roam around, looking for random pots to poop in. I suggest you gain some thicker skin, or look into your affliction with hypochondria.

Appreciate the e-hypochondria diagnosis, but I’m good.
So I found cat feces in the planter right under a flowering plant. I’ll save you how pissed I am that people can’t control their pets and cut to the chase. Does this ruin the plant? Any advice on what to put around the area to keep the cats tf away?? !
had the same problem with my summer outdoor plants. I took a clear plastic pan put a hole on the center for the plant to come could not get to the soil because of this thin plastic pan. problem solved
Annoying predatory animals encroaching on the Napsalot estate are commonly dispatched by the longbow, either by myself or lady Napsalot, who is also proficient in it's use
Feral cats are devastating the songbird populations. They kill billions every year and getting worse. Feral cats are not "outdoor" cats, they are cats that have reverted back to completely wild animals. But by all means lets sugar coat the problem because "kitties are nice". Some of you are real simplistic morons.
Your going to kill a cat over some weak ass half oz plant? IMO cats are valuable predators in large gardens...

Different strokes for different folks I guess. Half an oz is more valuable to me than cat shit I didn’t ask for. Call me crazy.
Cats are an UNCONTROLED pest when allowed to roam.. Just like Pythons, Rats and Bears.
The Hospital I work for has FIRED staff for feeding the Feral population. Rather than kill the damn things... the County traps them, "Fixes" them, and then bring the fuckin things back!!!
Cats are an UNCONTROLED pest when allowed to roam.. Just like Pythons, Rats and Bears.
The Hospital I work for has FIRED staff for feeding the Feral population. Rather than kill the damn things... the County traps them, "Fixes" them, and then bring the fuckin things back!!!
Cool story bro.
How did you remedy the problem?

Peppermint oil. A shit ton of peppermint oil (courtesy of my wife’s awesome hippy essential oil cabinet) around the backyard. Even the neighbors’ domestic cat won’t go near it. Good non-lethal remedy for those that might run into the same issue. Thanks all.