Cat Piss!

that shit is a damn good mind fuck!!! i believe catpiss has to be one of the strongest sativas, in central califgornia i could buy that stuff in bricks and it would last me for weeks.35$ an ounce!:mrgreen:
NO DAMN WAY !!! when i was in cali it was like $40 an ounce of catpiss but 100$ easy fora quarter silver haze.
I don't know what part of Cali you guys have visited, but I live in the Bay Area and I've never even HEARD of an Oz for less than 200 (and that's for schwag).
santa cruz bro!!! nearly everyone i knew grew so prices were good,but not for everything silverhaze was200$ for an half ounce but everyone i knew that had sativa anything sold it cheap as dirt. the clubs allways sold overly dried bud that turned to dust after like three hits, so the power to grow rightous weed layed in the hands of the commonman! who i knew really well.
I used to get weed called catpiss near Boston in the early 90's. Because it smelled like catpiss, in the bag, and burning. Was really, really good stuff.
A couple months ago I was up in Sacramento and a buddy of mine had a bag of catpiss. We rolled up a blunt and I must say, thats some of the best weed I have smoked. I was soaring... All I know is some dispensarys up in Sacramento carry catpiss clones every once in a while. Anyone know the cross?
I remember Reeferman describing how he picked a Haze female for breeding, he said it had the strongest cat piss odor of the bunch so he used it (I assume that makes it the strongest), so we're probably talking about Haze or a variant.
the guy i got my bag from didnt have a name of it, but it made my whole room reek of catpiss to the point i thought the cat got locked in the room and pissed somewhere, it was only in their for half an hour... so im gonna go with the assumption that it is cat piss... its some primo shit :D dont care for the smell tho lol fucks with my head...