Cat owners

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I think there is alot of value for a kid to learn from a mutt cat, like you don't have to be special to be special.
lol trust me they are. That price is for an F1 which is the direct descendant of an african serval parent. They can be pretty expensive because servals don't typically want to mate with domestic cats so they are hard to breed. Mine is an F2 and I paid about 4K for him.

People are amazed when they see him, my house is like a petting zoo. The neighbors bring their grandkids over to see the cats etc. It's crazy how much attention this cat gets by people.

Here's a couple shots of my little guy.

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Hell yeah savannah cats are sick looking. I hear they have great personalities!

I must tell the OP, buy your cat as a kitten, and try not to split the litter up so much!

It's great to have a cat as a kitten, when they grow up with you they are totally different animals. Very loving and cuddly always wanting to be with you :)

My cat is old, I have had her for 12-13 years since I was a young boy. I can hold her upside down, like a baby on her back, whatever she doesn't care shes so used to it she just lays there and purrs :)

Everyone that meets her tells me shes the nicest coolest cat they've ever seen (even people that say they don't like cats)

So yes, I find it very important to raise a kitten from as early as possible (when they no longer need their mother to feed)

It's also great for kids to grow up with cats they bond and love each other :)


Well-Known Member
Being bedridden for a large part of my kitties youth, they associate me going to the bed with lets all crowd daddy.


Active Member
There are tons of different breeds out there. Some much more expensive than others. I have a savannah.

As you can see they are significantly more expensive then typical domestics. There is a lot of info about them on that website. I got a savannah because they are extremely playful and doglike, they look amazing and they are typically healthier than domestics due to hybrid vigor.
15g for a cat?

Sounds like a Cat Cartel to me.


Well-Known Member
cats are cheap all you need is food and liter...............litter is like $15 for the month food is like 10 for the month.........the other danger hith cats is they like warm places and may just lay on you child's face if its and infant it can suffocate the far as how they are with plants mines sits and supervises me when ever im with my plants to make sure i don't fuck up lol..............also leave its claws on i don't even cut my cats nails.... its there best defence my cat got lost for 3 days came back with a couple of scabs and scars from fights...but just imagine if she had no nails they also do cool shit run completely vertical on couches jump play sleep fight...........get two i used to be a dog person still am but cats do way more cool shit.........


grow space

Well-Known Member
Yea man, cast are great...I have 2, actually 3, one lives outside. I am a cat person so i like the company of my cat(s) when i am blazing in the back yard or tripping some other cool shit :lol: SHROOMS :lol:
Cats are awsome bomvszm :lol: :peace:


Well-Known Member
If you do get a cat, please don't declaw it. That it animal abuse and I'm suprised that it is still legal to do the procedure in any civilized country. They cut the cats last nuckle off of their paws. If you can't deal with some scratching, don't get a cat.
Also, please get a cat from the pound or a rescue place. There are tons of cats that need homes out there.
Cats are cool, hopefully you can give a good home to one.


Well-Known Member
were talking about cats got to love them i also have two cornish rexes they are hypoallergetic and have no whiskers + tiger stripe $1000 a pop got them at a animal rescue tho



Active Member
cats r cheap have almost zero maintence cept some nibblea and clean out liutter box weekly.
freidnly to all kids... dogs somtimes bite kids idk why.
as far as cats and weed... one of my cats ate my plants

this current one hates them and wont go near them


Active Member
also theres a show on TV... about all breeds of cats, get the one that the egyptain pharoahs used to have around... frikin cool
cant remembetr the name... but they are super smart


Well-Known Member
I am a cat owner, and have been for years. There is one thing to watch out for when you have an infant. I have heard of cats sufficating infants because they smell milk on the babies breath and sit on thier chest and make it to where the baby cant breath.