Cat Owners Beware... YOU might not like this research


Well-Known Member
our cats now have to go outside to do that stuff. they have to sit at the door and ask to go out like dogs until i install a cat door for them.

it's hilarious to watch.
I'd love a cat door, but where we live I'm more concerned about who/what would come back through…

PS I read an article that explained that the cats shitting all over neighbor's yards/gardens is why lots of folks hate cats. (and that they eat all the birds)

Which leads me to another random point (sorry, stream of consciousness, morning toke) but why do folks just let their horses shit as they ride them on the road? We're semi rural, but still have a 'neighborhood' of sorts with busy, paved thoroughfares which many riders use to get from one barn to another. I can't tell you how many times I've been running or driving by, pass a horse and rider and the horse just dumps a huge pile of shit right in front of someone's driveway and on they ride. I wouldn't like to drive through that. Totally rude.

When we ride in public, we dismount, and do our best to kick that shit to the side or something..

OK, carry on, cats and toilet trained dogs...


Well-Known Member
So, please, can we now have a stoner conversation, on which type of: "Pet Shit" is best to step it?
I have stepped in dog, cat, goat, sheep, horse, cow shit in my life....
There is no best to step in.... however, horse owners will and have argued that stepping in a pile of horse shit can be just fine an activity...
Doesn't matter how much you love dogs, if you step into a pile of your uncaring dog friend owners dog shit, and you track it into your double wide, I am saying, it will leave a lasting impression on you. Bill, I am still mad...
So, don't dump out the sugar out of the five pound bag, and stealthly re-put the bag back with 3 lb of dog shit in it...
Mrs Bill didn't like that one at all...


Well-Known Member
I would say horse shit is the best to step in b/c it's not meat based, it's plant based, therefore less smelly and sticky

DOG shit is the worst. In fact as we were stumbling around trying to pee in the bushes after the EJ concert, (yes we were desperate and there are NO public bathrooms in the city at 1 a.m.) it was pitch black and I stepped w/ my BRAND new Chuck Taylors into a huge dog pile. It took forever to get it out. Even after bleaching and scrubbing there must have been minute remnants of it in the tread b/c I kept smelling it. I even had wire, toothpicks, anything I could think of to get it out.

That's the thing with dogs shit, even the tiniest micron left on a shoe will stink forever


Ursus marijanus
My vote is for sheep: inoffensive dry pellets. Horse is second but quantity and texture are worse than sheep. better if you're an ardent composter. i once got a pile of horse exhaust to 180 degrees F. Hooo the smell of ammonia!

~edit~ Dogshit ain't nothin compared to catshit. That stuff just naaasty.


Well-Known Member
My vote is for sheep: inoffensive dry pellets. Horse is second but quantity and texture are worse than sheep. better if you're an ardent composter. i once got a pile of horse exhaust to 180 degrees F. Hooo the smell of ammonia!

~edit~ Dogshit ain't nothin compared to catshit. That stuff just naaasty.
You got that right (about the cat shit) but I'm less likely to step in it as they bury it and don't shit in the middle of the road…
@skunkd0c : that's for pussies…(literally) and amateurs. A nifty invention in concept really but a skilled peer can deftly empty her bladder in the bushes quick as you please. I mean can you see being wasted, having to pee and having more limited options than guys, (somehow the side of a wall doesn't work) and THEN having to rummage around in your purse for your GO GIRL? And THEN you're left with this pee covered nipple thing? LOL


Well-Known Member
Too lazy to read it, but I don't even have a cat. Are you saying cats are causing my laziness?