Well-Known Member
hmmmm if an eagle can pick up a kid what is the predator of the eagle?
Some say cucumbers taste better pickled.its an eagle it can fly away with it not far up but enough in the right direction to cause blunt force trama when dropped. again a laugh riot
.................View attachment 2452131Some say cucumbers taste better pickled.
Helping a goat fall off a cliff is a lot different than flying away with it.
Golden Eagles can not fly off with a 40 pound animal.
People that let their cats outside are irresponsible.
Assholes with .22'shmmmm if an eagle can pick up a kid what is the predator of the eagle?
or something biggerAssholes with .22's
It was a hoax btw.hmmmm if an eagle can pick up a kid what is the predator of the eagle?
Alright, Coleman, just spoil our hypothesizing...........It was a hoax btw.
OK then, since you know how to use Google...Google "How much can a Golden Eagle carry?"
Now, if only my cat could learn to 'play dead'...Just kidding, I don't own a cat.View attachment 2452286
This is my "lil buddy". He thinks he's a dog.
He will walk around the block with me, but only twice. But does it everyday.
He chases deer, and keeps the gophers at bay.
Makes a sort of hacking noise when someone knocks at the door, and seems to detect someone at the end of the driveway before my black lab.
He will roll over on command. (he rolls on the floor every time he's been left alone and you first walk in the room) But it's cool to bring someone into my house, see the cat and say "Hello Little Buddy, he's such a good cat, watch, roll over!"
I had taught my grandmother's cat not to climb on the hood of my El Camino, no matter how cold it was outside, and I only had to show it once when I bought my truck, that the rules were the same, then the cat used to curl up on top of my front tire inside the fenderwell when I got home at night.View attachment 2452286
This is my "lil buddy". He thinks he's a dog.
He will walk around the block with me, but only twice. But does it everyday.
He chases deer, and keeps the gophers at bay.
Makes a sort of hacking noise when someone knocks at the door, and seems to detect someone at the end of the driveway before my black lab.
He will roll over on command. (he rolls on the floor every time he's been left alone and you first walk in the room) But it's cool to bring someone into my house, see the cat and say "Hello Little Buddy, he's such a good cat, watch, roll over!"
only ONE way to control a cat...
what issues have i told you about? we were talking about random stuff doe doeGuess you won't need be to listen to your issues anymore, then ;P
my moms street cat loves going outside...he actually likes it and will cry to go outside. Its freedom for them.Cats owners that let their cats outside are terrible pet owners.
Cats that stay inside live longer and healthier lives.
Cats kill over 4 billion animals each year in this country alone. They are an invasive species. Cat predation is one of the reasons why one in three American bird species are in decline. Outside cats sometimes do not come home. There is a huge problem with feral cats world wide.
If you let your cat outside you are fucking up nature and shortening the life of your cat.
Why would you do that to something you love?
1) Hiss and starei used to think so, but my cat is the most defiant little bastard i've ever met. he will stand his ground, ears back, eyes squinted, and take every blast of water and stare me down. the only thing that works (for now) is if i give him one of those shrill angry alley cat meows. he hates that and he leaves. every cat i've ever owned hates it with a passion and goes running with their belly on the ground.