Cat bong - meant to be an alternative to discipline...


Well-Known Member
This story is a few weeks old i think. I did laugh when i read this, even tho i Love kittys! My cats fuckin HATE herb smoke big time. But it seemd like this cat sorta liked it...


Well-Known Member
thats just fucking SICK:spew:besides just how big of a bong does he have that you can stuff a cat into it?!?


Well-Known Member
is not sick you smoke the shit right i had a black lab that loved to get stoned he would lick your lips as you blew the smoke in his face like to get every bit right, only good bud though light up some schwag and he would go out of the room funniest damn thing ever


Well-Known Member
makes me feel ashamed to even live in the same area as him..and to ejf, i have a yellow lab and he will almost do the same exact thing..he will sit like 6 inches away from your face and just breath it in as you exhale...funny shit lol


Well-Known Member
wtf your not supposed to put the cat in a box.

just hold it on your lap and pet it while you smoke and let it get some second hand mj smoke and if it dosnt like it let it run off !!


Well-Known Member
The person who did this is a moron - no ifs, ands, buts - a dimwit. What he did to that cat was dangerous and cruel. If you took psych, you would know that this is the kind of person who would probably have no regret torturing and killing a fellow human. Sociopath. If you think this shit is funny, please keep it away from here. We don't want the rest of mankind thinking all potheads are like this sick bastard, because we ARE NOT! He's a FUC*ING C*NT!