Castle Seeds. Any experiences or feedback?


Well-Known Member
They are full of shit with thier claims to beat or match any competitors prices. They just do not reply when you submit a price match. For that reason I stay away.


The prices seem high to mee. As for price matching, why dick around when you can simply get the same product at a much lower price elsewhere? Take for example Female Seeds C-99, at Castle 10 fems $95.48, at SOS, $69.05, Attitude $69.68 Herbies,$90.66.All known and reliable seed banks with no need to play ay "price match" games.
Just my 2¢ worth
The Mysticwolf

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
They're the same company as single seed center. Whatever Single Seed has in stock, Castle has too. When Single Seed runs out of something, so does Castle.