Cash raised for Mo. cop surpasses Brown donations


Well-Known Member
Someone who like things the way they are in the country and doesn't want constant change. The neo-conservatives want to destroy everything and rebuild the country their way, just another form of liberalism in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Someone who like things the way they are in the country and doesn't want constant change. The neo-conservatives want to destroy everything and rebuild the country their way, just another form of liberalism in my opinion.
So like the dinosaurs you can't handle change. Can you name a real conservative?


Well-Known Member
I don't know all of the allstars of the political world, and I don't know any politician on a personal level... so no. I also don't know of any "Real democrats" either. There's no purity in the political arena, all motivation is suspect.

You throw around the word change like it is ALWAYS positive and constructive.


Well-Known Member
Unemployment in Spain is currently 25%. Historically it hovers around 17% which is still higher than the the worst times for black Americans. I've been to Spain a couple times. It's pretty much all white people.


Well-Known Member
Unemployment in Spain is currently 25%. Historically it hovers around 17% which is still higher than the the worst times for black Americans. I've been to Spain a couple times. It's pretty much all white people.
nah, i think they are kind of olive looking. maybe even a little ruddy.


Well-Known Member
Wait a second, at the absolute worst 85% of black people were gainfully employed but you say we're lazy?
The biggest reason for the black unemployment being so high is, the fact young black males 16-25 can earn much more on the streets hustling than work real jobs. Take the youngsters out of the equation and I'll bet the rate is much lower.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else think that being on public assistance programs, other than social security and Medicare ought to preclude that individual and perhaps other members of that person's household from voting?

I am of a strong opinion that the founders got it right when they set the rules for elections to not be universal suffrage.

I would not deny the vote based on sex, race, or other factors as they did.

But I quite like their 25 year old land owning requirement.

I think modern law should replace land owner with tax payer. More specifically one who does not get money from government hand outs.
If we didnt dole out the money in the first place we wouldnt have to start restricting people's liberties for taking it. Government is great at that!!


Well-Known Member
Well the fright wing counts them as part of the 47% they whine about
You can count them as dependent on government money, but it is entirely different from "welfare" and if you read my post thoroughly you'd have seen I explicitly said they would still have a vote as all they are getting is money they have paid in over their working lives.


Well-Known Member
Wait a second, at the absolute worst 85% of black people were gainfully employed but you say we're lazy?
Have you ever had to try to fire a black person from a job?

It is a very dubious task. You have to document everything extraordinarily well and go well beyond normal reasons for termination.


Well-Known Member
You can count them as dependent on government money, but it is entirely different from "welfare" and if you read my post thoroughly you'd have seen I explicitly said they would still have a vote as all they are getting is money they have paid in over their working lives.
They get more than they paid in