Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

Agree on the way the HH grows lol. Funky buds fo sho haha. You're too nice brother, I'd have said today isn't a good day lol
Yeah, wanted to but it's complicated. She basically knew it wasn't being used and that I was home. So either I am being a dick or I let her use it. Sometimes it sucks owning a truck, people always needing help to move or asking to borrow it.

And returning it with less gas than it had in it... really? Shit, I thought it was an unwritten rule that if you borrow a vehicle you return it with more gas, I always do...
Yeah, wanted to but it's complicated. She basically knew it wasn't being used and that I was home. So either I am being a dick or I let her use it. Sometimes it sucks owning a truck, people always needing help to move or asking to borrow it.

And returning it with less gas than it had in it... really? Shit, I thought it was an unwritten rule that if you borrow a vehicle you return it with more gas, I always do...

Man I fuckin hate when people borrow my truck and bring that sucker back on E. I guess I'm a dick, because after a couple turns of that shit, they ain't borrowin it again.
And yes Cas it is an unwritten rule and a very good one to follow....I'd let ya borrow my truck anyday brah.
Yeah man, I don't blame you. I need to be more of a dick about it. This was the second (and last time) she will borrow it.

Trimmed up the plants a little bit before hanging, mainly just any big fan leaves.

A few pics

Purple Diesel
Pd har.jpg

Critical Plus 2 auto

Sugar Plum X JTRxPurUrk

Sp x har.jpg

HH (nirvana) Funky bud growth but chunkier than I thought it would get.
Grown in about 1.5 liters of soil.

Hh nir har.jpg

HH (Dutch Passion) The runt of the 2 DP HH plants. Grown in about 7-8 liters of soil.

Hh runt har.jpg

Totally purple leaf on the PD.
PD leaf.jpg

Didn't take shots of the larger plants.
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This is it for the indoors until sept/oct. The boat will now be in the garage (where the tent is now), planning on a boat in camping and fishing trip for memorial day and need some time to get it dialed in.

I'm also itching to start my battle with the root aphids. Been doing a lot of research, I think I am going to get some Merit 75.
I have to try and save some of the genetics. Top on the list is Sour Tsunami3, The Remedy, and C99. Truth is it is hard to let any of them go.

The plan (as of now) is to take new cuttings soon, rooting them in rapid rooters set into 100% perlite. From what I have read RAs in soil are the hardest to get rid of. I will let them root well then do a dunk with Merit 75, followed by pyrethrin, SNS 203 or 209, maybe Bayer fruit and citrus etc. I am going to risk killing them with the treatment, all the perlite will be gently washed from the roots during the dunk/wash until I am satisfied there are no RAs and then set back into fresh perlite. It will shock the shit out of them but I think they will survive it. The foliage will also be treated.

Another option I am thinking about is to take "air layered" clones from the clones and mothers I plant outdoors (if they survive) later in the summer after my space is cleaned up. Will need to treat them thoroughly for pests as well if I do that.

Just learned that RAs are born with like 50-70 babies already in them, all it takes is one to re colonize a grow. My chances aren't that good to eliminate them.

Shit, I am even going to throw out all my house plants.
Just learned that RAs are born with like 50-70 babies already in them, all it takes is one to re colonize a grow.

Ohhh Shit !!!!! That is f-ed up bro, talk about circumventing the cycle of life. Now all we have to do is study those fuckers a little more closely to see if there is a chink in the armour. Especially when they are laying all those eggs. There has to be a vulnerable time in their cycle somewhere..:confused:

Total extermination!......Yeah,like that!! lol

Hey Cas....Be the EXTERMINATER!!!! :fire::fire::fire::fire:
Yeah man, I don't blame you. I need to be more of a dick about it. This was the second (and last time) she will borrow it.

Trimmed up the plants a little bit before hanging, mainly just any big fan leaves.

A few pics

Purple Diesel
View attachment 3144572

Critical Plus 2 auto
View attachment 3144575

Sugar Plum X JTRxPurUrk

View attachment 3144578

HH (nirvana) Funky bud growth but chunkier than I thought it would get.
Grown in about 1.5 liters of soil.

View attachment 3144580

HH (Dutch Passion) The runt of the 2 DP HH plants. Grown in about 7-8 liters of soil.

View attachment 3144581

Totally purple leaf on the PD.
View attachment 3144589

Didn't take shots of the larger plants.

Ohh that purple diesel!!! I like em all, but I'd do her!!

Did that sound preverted? Heee Heee
Haha, great minds think alike... Wish I could smoke some with you bro, maybe at some point.

Truth is I don't think I can beat the RAs, they can live almost anywhere for long periods of time. If I kill every one in the pots and the rooms they can still crawl back in from some random crack and destroy all the eradication efforts. Or they could have crawled out under my garage door and are hanging out in my front yard only to crawl back in when winter rolls around... Frustrating to think about it!
They might as well be friggin dragons lol...

Might have to get some high octane insecticide for around the house, hate to use shit that will kill bees but might do it anyway.
I would just see how round one goes and go from there, you might be able to get it too a level that is fairly minimal.
Yeah, I have read about people with large grows that just deal with them using a regimen of merit 75 and a few other products. They had yields reduced by about 30% as a result, can't help but wonder how my plants would do without the RAs. If I use nematodes I can't use the chemicals so it is a big decision.

I do like simple solutions though, so nematodes might be the ticket after I knock them back this summer.

Definitely like the idea of those bastards being eaten from the inside out!
Yeah, he was growing the same strain throughout. Before he got the RAs he was pulling 2 1/2 lbs and after could not get more than 1 1/2 lbs. Actually more than 30% drop. It wasn't all the RAs, according to him it was the chemicals used to treat them as much as the actual RA problem.

Another reason the nematodes might be a better idea...