Carport GreenHouse 2011


Well-Known Member
f**k man.....I'm not coming to yours or hodges thread anymore......
You know what they say....."Don't Hate The Player, Hate The Game" ;-)

DoubleJJ, you get some midget to grab ahold the stalk for that pic?
Fuckin amazing man!!!!!!


Active Member
This is the one that gets me, the OG Kush. This is the little plant he was planting in the picture, 90 days ago!:shock:


doublejj, that is just AMAZING! Yours are the largest plants I've seen on this site. What's the temperature difference in/out of the greenhouse?


Well-Known Member
Nice. good to know. as you can see im new to this site... im trying to find a button to click to subscribe to ya but cant figure it out.
If you go to the top of the page & click 'my rollitup', you'll see that your already supscribed! Welcome to RIU!

No midgets just my fat hand.

Thanks for the compliment bro, but I assure you there are bigger plants than this on RIU. I'm just as amazed as you!

It's a little warmer inside, but the mesh walls let out most of the heat.


piney bob

Active Member
Thats what those smart pots will do for your root production. filled to the brim. It will be a task ripping that mass out of there. Have you noticed the soil drying quicker in the pots as opposed to being straight in the ground?


Well-Known Member
I tend to be a bit of an over-water'er. The smart pots are perfect for me, you can't over water them!

The stalks & root mass are incredible. If you try to poke something down into the dirt, like the watering stake in the picture, you can't! It's a solid mass of roots! Like one of those woven door mats.



Well-Known Member
lol makes you wonder where all the dirt goes when that root mass gets like that
Yea really! lol I love my smart pots i am not ready to do 100s next year i was thinking 45 gallon or 65. I should be able to get a nice yield with those no? I mean really lol thats 45 gallons of soil!


Well-Known Member
So are you going to make that stalk into a club or what? I bet you could knock someone cold with that thing.


Active Member
Yea really! lol I love my smart pots i am not ready to do 100s next year i was thinking 45 gallon or 65. I should be able to get a nice yield with those no? I mean really lol thats 45 gallons of soil!
My goal is 100's next year. I started mid June outdoors with clones so I went with 10 figuring starting so late there was no way the roots would fill the pot.... Wrong. Just like JJ, it's all one pot of roots now and the dirt was consumed so it seems.

I'd like to also figure out how to water them better I'm doing 3 gallons per day now just to keep them from drooping all over. I assume with 100 gallons, assuming you give them a good fill, can easily go days without watering. This everyday shit walking from pot to pot with a watering bucket sucks!


Well-Known Member
My goal is 100's next year. I started mid June outdoors with clones so I went with 10 figuring starting so late there was no way the roots would fill the pot.... Wrong. Just like JJ, it's all one pot of roots now and the dirt was consumed so it seems.

I'd like to also figure out how to water them better I'm doing 3 gallons per day now just to keep them from drooping all over. I assume with 100 gallons, assuming you give them a good fill, can easily go days without watering. This everyday shit walking from pot to pot with a watering bucket sucks!
That's why I looked into a drip system! I got tired of bending over with water buckets. :)


Active Member
Thanks for the compliment bro, but I assure you there are bigger plants than this on RIU. I'm just as amazed as you!

It's a little warmer inside, but the mesh walls let out most of the heat.

You don't have a thermometer or keep track? In my greenhouse, it gets about 10-20 degrees hotter inside than out. I've had to use shade cloth to cut the heat. Shade cloth gives me 10 degrees of cooler temps, I'm thinking next time to use a misting system. Unfortunately, in my situation having the sides open is far too much public exposure for my taste.

If there are bigger plants I'd love a keyword, thread or link. My goal is to grow some trees!


Well-Known Member
I just connect my drip system to the garden hose, & water with the stove timer in the kitchen! lol!

The greenhouse runs about 10 deg warmer than outside.

Good luck everyone, happy growing
