Well-Known Member
Lets see some bud pic updates!!!
Heya, nice trees. Got a few questions for ya JJ if you don't mind
1) What soil/amendments are you using? (if you don't wanna share it that's fine. Just wondering if it's a special mix or store mix)
2) I remember your grow from last year, were those in the ground using the same soil?
3) How would you compare the size of the plants from this year compared with last? Smaller? Same?
I grow in coco outdoors in containers but I'm contemplating the switch back to soil and deciding the most cost effective way to do it. If I were to go with something like Subcool's SS recipe, running about $150-$200 per 100 gal container sized plant. (currrently my cost is less than $20 per plant)
High people?.......Good morning!
Thanks for all the kind words.
Soil mix:
I went out & bought bulk by the truck load; ewc, compost, bagged soil. I added lime, perlite, & Rainbow mix grow fertilizer. I figure I have about $50 per 100 gallon smart pot.
I don't water every day, I try not to water 3 days in a row.
Quick pick of the Medijuana. You can see how large the rest of the plants are getting. The PPPCP is showing some early flowers also
Oh my god, I need a Medijuana cut! I have a super quick flowering season up at the elevation I am at, and something like that would be perfect. I've just been doing my same old same old SFV cut outside because she flowers extra early because of the afghani in her. But that Medijuana is crazzzy!