Carport GreenHouse 2011

Heya, nice trees. Got a few questions for ya JJ if you don't mind

1) What soil/amendments are you using? (if you don't wanna share it that's fine. Just wondering if it's a special mix or store mix)

2) I remember your grow from last year, were those in the ground using the same soil?

3) How would you compare the size of the plants from this year compared with last? Smaller? Same?

I grow in coco outdoors in containers but I'm contemplating the switch back to soil and deciding the most cost effective way to do it. If I were to go with something like Subcool's SS recipe, running about $150-$200 per 100 gal container sized plant. (currrently my cost is less than $20 per plant)

This is what Im saying...... lol
double if you dont mind,

Bro if your growing on track with 100 gals at 150 to 200 bucks, you are getting ass raped, and someone is laughing at you, so if you really are growing that big, you would allready know! sorry not to be a asshole which I am, but sweriously? You can cuss me. but I will delete this when I sober up. Sorry You would know what a 100 gal prep area would bring you and you would allready be dialed up!!! Maybe Im just being a butthole because Im thinking more numbers?? Sorry I grow with cfls, forgive me

Yes lets! I would say in 8 weeks that double will have some buds that you could beat a possum off the porch with. For fuxx sake the man has monsters
sorry Im blazed, double knows I dont post in other people threads, sorry
did it ever occur to you that maybe I've never done anything as big as 100 gal and would like to try it next year? And yea you're drunk, cus you misread what I wrote xD

If you're thinking in numbers of course you'd get out more than what you put in, but what I'm saying is that % wise it is a humongous jump in costs. Also, you're faced with a greater loss if for some reason the plant dies or something goes wrong.

Look at it like this. Some people yield 1 lb in 5 gal buckets. While the yield for 100 gallon is what, 6 lbs?
Assuming a bag of soil fills 25 gals, wouldn't it be more cost effective to have 5 plants in 5 gals vs 1 plant in a 100 gal

That's just an example though, I'm just trying to figure out for myself how big of a container and how expensive of a soil mix is necessary for my next outdoor.
you are right! Im growing a 7 foot preflower plant in 7 gal of soil surronded by desert floor, so If you think for one minute you can tell us what is up.... you got the floor, because Im telling ya, you aint gonna grow a 10 lber in 7 gals of soil, a 5 gal, or a 10 gal, case closed. do not respond its to expensive for u, plus, I love you to

ps the secret message only you can see right know and no one else can, because I have magic thread powers, its called root space, if I invest an extra 15 bucs on organic soil with my own premix to get 10 lbs vs 3 lbs or even 5lbs, yeah bet you ass Im filling the container, especailly at 3k a bean, so shhhhhh... dont respond

case closed
Had a quick question for you, do you allow a good dry out in the soil or do you keep it relitively moist at all times. Thanks
High people?.......Good morning!

Thanks for all the kind words.

Soil mix:
I went out & bought bulk by the truck load; ewc, compost, bagged soil. I added lime, perlite, & Rainbow mix grow fertilizer. I figure I have about $50 per 100 gallon smart pot.

I don't water every day, I try not to water 3 days in a row.

Quick pick of the Medijuana. You can see how large the rest of the plants are getting. The PPPCP is showing some early flowers also




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    8-10-2011 update 008.jpg
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High people?.......Good morning!

Thanks for all the kind words.

Soil mix:
I went out & bought bulk by the truck load; ewc, compost, bagged soil. I added lime, perlite, & Rainbow mix grow fertilizer. I figure I have about $50 per 100 gallon smart pot.

I don't water every day, I try not to water 3 days in a row.

Quick pick of the Medijuana. You can see how large the rest of the plants are getting. The PPPCP is showing some early flowers also



absolutely gorgeous.

why is this one flowering so much earlier than the others, is it just because its a faster finishing strain??
Oh my god, I need a Medijuana cut! I have a super quick flowering season up at the elevation I am at, and something like that would be perfect. I've just been doing my same old same old SFV cut outside because she flowers extra early because of the afghani in her. But that Medijuana is crazzzy!
Yea truckloads is the way to go! Did you get super sacks or did they dump it at ur house? That Rainbow mix from Earth juice is killer from what I hear a few large OD growers around here use it with a lot of success.
Oh my god, I need a Medijuana cut! I have a super quick flowering season up at the elevation I am at, and something like that would be perfect. I've just been doing my same old same old SFV cut outside because she flowers extra early because of the afghani in her. But that Medijuana is crazzzy!

i was JUST thinking the same thing..... im in the same situation as you Joz, im sitting around 5,500 Ft alt. this year im trying Aurora indica (northern lights #5 X Afghani). i figure it should finish i tad earlier than the NL and be a bit bigger..... but that Medi is SUPER early....

i'm just drooling over that Medi tho, im going to have to get a smoke report when shes done.
Everything that went into a 100gl smart pot.
50gl bagged soil
15gl organic compost
15gl fresh worm casting
15gl perlite
6cups Rainbow grow 5-5-2
6cups dolomite

Too be honest, I haven't given the plants hardly any Maxsea this year. Like 3 times total in 4 months. I've learned less can be more. You can do more harm with too much, than not enough. I look for signs of deficiency before I start adding anything. I gave them the Maxsea for the Micro nutrients, I don't think they needed any food.

This mix has turned out to be a "SuperSoil" so far. I've never had stalks this size!:shock:

I have given the Medijuana 2 good shots of Maxsea bloom w/molasses since she started to flower. I will continue with that.

No soil delivery, I went to the compost yard & worm farm & they loaded me up.

Molly likes to closely inspect anything that comes into her yard

P.S. I know somebody that will be growing this Medi indoors this winter. There should be some clones available for next spring!;-)



Hey jj-
Set me up with some of that Medijuana too,....oops, got mine last week.:-P A dozen or so seeds.....
Thanks again Hodge!
Well, you can either go do some work for Hodge, like treeman, and get some seeds.
Or wait & I'll let you know when I have a some cuts available.
