Carport GreenHouse 2011

Trellis looks sick jj man your gonna need it from the looks of them . Any questions about my ganja plant reefers can be answered by clicking on my sig don't want to mess up doublejs tidy tread. Once again trellis job looks top notch.+rep
JJ, Amazing and insightful thread. One question if I may, you said at page 7 "This 6mil plastic greenhouse film from Farmtek lets 92% of the light thru, and will last 4 years, $27." I only see this cover material in a giant roll from Farmtek. The amount for the greenhouse is small by comparison but I did not see where they sold it in the smaller quantities. Did I miss it? Thanks and thanks for the thread.
JJ how do you deal with summer time temps here? I'm thinking maybe 1 box fan pushing and a few pulling? I may have to go to a carport set up next year myself and that is the only thing i hadn't really figured out how to deal with temp.
JJ that trellis you bought is it plastic or sting? I ordered some online then noticed the store I was ordering from was in my town so I chose to pick it up. Needless to say they sold it to me and didnt have any at the store so now they are claiming it may take a couple weeks. Anyway I need to purchase some pretty soon I think and figured I would see which you went with. I see the plastic ones are not very cheap and ultimately was wondering if I could get away with the standard "string type" Thanks
JJ, Did you secure the mesh to the sides with the same zip tie method you used for the clear film roof? Which did you put on first and/or did you put them on together with the same zip ties? (From the pictures it looks like you put on the front and back mesh first, then the film and then the side.) Would you mind giving a bit more detail on how you put on the covering and secured it? Again, your string is very informative and in fact inspiring. Thanks again for posting and sharing.
Thank you
Finally got the last trellis put on. Done.


Is there a guide somewhere around here for when and how your should put up that stuff? Or is it pretty much self explanatory?
Is there a guide somewhere around here for when and how your should put up that stuff? Or is it pretty much self explanatory?
its prighty self explanitory.... the best time to get it up is just before the plants flower. this way you can bent the branches to allow maximum light penetration.

Howdy folks
They sell the greenhouse film by the ft also, 12'x20' to cover a carport

The mesh walls let the air blow thru, haven't needed any fans.


seriously man that is an AWESOME link. i've been looking for the best film to use and that is defiantly it.... i cant wait to see how the lavender turns out :drool: i want to try growing lavender or maybe rockbud this winter, indoor.... they both sound so promising when it comes to true connoisseur smoke.
JJ, Did you secure the mesh to the sides with the same zip tie method you used for the clear film roof? Which did you put on first and/or did you put them on together with the same zip ties? (From the pictures it looks like you put on the front and back mesh first, then the film and then the side.) Would you mind giving a bit more detail on how you put on the covering and secured it? Again, your string is very informative and in fact inspiring. Thanks again for posting and sharing.
Since I've added the clothes line 'rafters' this year, I had to change how I put on the mesh walls. I could wrap the 'end pieces' of mesh over the frame & then put the plastic over that. But the 'rafters' wouldn't allow that on the side walls. So I attached the mesh to the side walls without wrapping around the frame. The side walls just hang lika a shower curtain. Everything is attached to the frame with the zip-ties.

The trallis is a PITA to put on but it's pretty self-explanitory. I do know one thing, you couldn't pay me to do it full time for a living! lol!

How late this evening?

Just got later....
TLD missed his bus, next one's at 3:00pm, I'm guessing midnight or later now, guess we'll just get a room on TLD's wallet. Pain in the ass though with the saws and gear. Hoping we can just show up to Hodges and throw our bags out there and crash, much easier with the gear/saws. TLD and Hodge are talking, we'll sleep where we sleep tonight!
Lets go already...

P.S., We may reach that 100 degree mark for the first time this year today....96.0 at 12:20pm...get me to the coast!