Carport GreenHouse 2011


Well-Known Member
My condolences hodge.. thats a shame.. thats really upsetting.. i know what its like to loose one of your best friends.. I hope you find those mother fuckers.


Well-Known Member
I was told by a worker to bring it in after I had left a sample, saw people walking in and out with duffle bags and containers, point i'm trying to make is one of the workers said that if they (store) didn't buy it, he had others who would. He's the one who asked me to bring back the whole amount after I had left a sample, store only bought 7 ozs, why didn't he say that we only buy small amounts. This guy said they would be interested in it. I know that I was dumb to carry that much.
it was the guy from the dispenary with candle stick


Well-Known Member
Man, Hodge, I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine losing my baby. Brings tears to my eyes to even think about it. I hope you find the bastard that ripped you off too.


Well-Known Member
Oh fuck hodge, my heart goes out to you brother! Pain and betrayal in the same day... that really hurts. I'm a serious dog person and I can sympathize. She looks like she was a real good dog. RIP.

I hate to say this man, but carry a gun. People are fucked up. It's fucking bullshit. That is why I have a few escorts when I carry a hp or more. It does sound like a set up, if they don't give up the footage I would have somebody slap them around. If they don't want play "legal;" play along.


Well-Known Member
Oh fuck hodge, my heart goes out to you brother! Pain and betrayal in the same day... that really hurts. I'm a serious dog person and I can sympathize. She looks like she was a real good dog. RIP.

I hate to say this man, but carry a gun. People are fucked up. It's fucking bullshit. That is why I have a few escorts when I carry a hp or more. It does sound like a set up, if they don't give up the footage I would have somebody slap them around. If they don't want play "legal;" play along.
No matter how you chop it up a gun would have been a bad idea in that situation. Who knows what they have, field of fire could hit innocent bystanders and when the police/media get wind of it it will be touted as a "drug deal gone bad" I'm thinking lockbox and the product in the trunk would have stopped the grab and run. :( Thieves thrive on opportunity!

Still sad about the puppy though. :(


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Hodge had a ruff day all around yesterday!

I know he's feeling the loss of Zeka, more than the weed. She was a sweet dog. The world is not a brite place today.

They have dog fence all around but they had a new motorized gate installed. There was a space where the new gate post was installed that the dog could get under. He's heartbroken!

P.S. I took Molly for a long walk today for Zeka.


Well-Known Member
No matter how you chop it up a gun would have been a bad idea in that situation. Who knows what they have, field of fire could hit innocent bystanders and when the police/media get wind of it it will be touted as a "drug deal gone bad" I'm thinking lockbox and the product in the trunk would have stopped the grab and run. :( Thieves thrive on opportunity!

Still sad about the puppy though. :(
You're absolutely right. A gun is a bad idea, I tend to be a little aggressive before I take my first smoke of the day.


Well-Known Member
Got a video from the dispensary showing the S.U.V. follow another car (vender) before me, seems to have lost them. The rippers came back and parked in the same location and I had the misfortune to be followed, glad I went to the bank and they struck there. The store video is of poor quality, I have better camera's on my property but it does give me a time line and another tip to follow. Will post it (tip) after I get the video from their system. Have already called and am waiting for the mananger to get back to me, may have video of these guys faces?
Thanks to all for their kind words with reguards to Zeka, she was one of the sweetest dogs I've ever had the pleasure to know, won't say own cause dog lovers know who'e the one's owned. She had and still does have my heart. We still have her parents and a sister from the same litter to help keep her memory alive.
There is a time for guns, yesterday was not one of them though.


Well-Known Member
Got a video from the dispensary showing the S.U.V. follow another car (vender) before me, seems to have lost them. The rippers came back and parked in the same location and I had the misfortune to be followed, glad I went to the bank and they struck there. The store video is of poor quality, I have better camera's on my property but it does give me a time line and another tip to follow. Will post it (tip) after I get the video from their system. Have already called and am waiting for the mananger to get back to me, may have video of these guys faces?
Thanks to all for their kind words with reguards to Zeka, she was one of the sweetest dogs I've ever had the pleasure to know, won't say own cause dog lovers know who'e the one's owned. She had and still does have my heart. We still have her parents and a sister from the same litter to help keep her memory alive.
There is a time for guns, yesterday was not one of them though.
Well said about the guns Hodge....
In the heat of the moment, sure we all wish we had a gun to to keep a would be thief at bay, but when you look at the big picture, nobody's life is worth taking for a plant. I understand about the principal of the situation, nobody wants to be violated like that, but if you did use a gun, and somebody died, I can't imagine the guilt that you would feel, you would carry that for the rest of your life....not worth it. Then all the "media" "bad rap on MJ" bullshit that would be "stirred up" if someone got hurt......
Then theirs that statistic about "he who pulls the gun is the one shot most often"....not good.

Your doing the right thing Hodge, Lets hope you get a license plate number, that would be great.
Best of luck Hodge...


Well-Known Member
On the video I have from the dispensary, shows the worker walk ouside the store when I'm leaving, looks like he has a cellphone up to his ear and walks in front of my car in and out of camera view, then see car (rippers) across street follow me out to the main street??????
This guy asked me when I came out of the office with buyer, if they bought it? I said no, he's seen on his phone while I leave.. Just doesn't feel right to me. He didn't walk us out but waited till we were turning around in the parking lot, then you can see him walk in front of my car with the phone to his ear, after we pass he's seen walking back to the store with hands in his pocket...
Sorry JJ for jacking your thread on this, just want others to beware. I made quite a few dumb moves and hope others won't repeat my foolishness.

Well-Known Member
know any hard pipe hittin' niggaz to go to work on the holmes there with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch? (pulp fiction)

mr. bond


Well-Known Member
I think maybe they have an employee 'freelancing' on the side.

Hodge, I think we could set him up.

P.S. Any more said about this, we should go offline.


Well-Known Member
Modified the gizmo & it works better.I guess that would be a gizmod!lol!
We are 1/2 way, 5 of 9 plants done.:eyesmoke:


Hey jj-
I ordered my netting from the same outfit you used, but no tracking number yet. Ordered on Tuesday, I got a receipt, but no shipping number. What shipping company did you use? I chose USPS because I don't like my UPS guy, keep his snooping ass out of here. Post office drops a slip at the box, then I pick up from them.
Looking good over there...

P.S. Where I come from that thing your using is called a "Chingadaris" . Hey man gimme that Chingadaris!


Well-Known Member
I used UPS, they will just drop it over the fence.

By the looks of things over at your place, your gonna need a Chingadaris too!
