Carport GreenHouse 2011

A guy at a grow store gave my wife a bottle of Purple Max to try.

I used it (to appease my wife) on some plants indoors. Damn!
I had to say they had more resin & aroma.

So, I'm gonna give it to them all in the greenhouse

Wow, look at those buds already. Great contrast with the bright green giants behind it. You could get lost in there for a while haha.
pineapplejuly312011two.jpg The strain is pineapple express. This picture was taken 2 weeks ago. How much do you think I will get off both plants? They go in my 6ft x 8ft greenhouse any time it rains. Then back outside when the rain stops.
Nice JJ... looking nice.... yeah I use Snow Storm Ultra (same as Purple Max but w/o the purple-enhancing compounds) as a foilar and it works magic. Pretty much pops trichs wherever you spray... and if you spray the buds it'll pile more and more trichs on. Obviously be careful about overdoing it if you spray the buds, don't want any mold. If you foilar, don't exceed the amount per gallon listed on the bottle, she'll burn ya. It also works much better if you foilar rather than a soil additive. Also I've noticed repeated foilar of the stuff on to fan leaves eventually causes them to curl or claw. Try to foilar only your budsites so your leaves continue to love you for the rest of your grow. Cheers JJ, can't wait for the next update!!!

Tricantonol is the main ingredient in Purple Max and Snow Storm, its derived from Alfalfa meal, its the least inexpensive "blinger" you can get and it works. I used strait up Alfalfa meal for my outdoor, $6.50 for a 3 lbs box of it did 20+ plants top dressed with some to spare, already seeing more frosty goodness. Oh and it has some good bennies in it too!
try mixing it into your soil next time JJ.
Wow! I herd purple max was the killer stuff from reading in the organics section! So many things to buy! haha looking killer man! I just posted pics in my thread i know took me for ever! The banana is getting big so is my apricot.
yo JJ, I was wondering, when you spray with your atomizer do you us a wetting agent or dish soap with the pesticide? I was told by a buddy of mine and also the guy at the garden shop that it is a good idea to mix it in with the azamax then spray... whats your take?
I was when I was spraying.
I haven't with the atomizer I didn't think it needed it, because it spray's such a fine cloud. Down to the 100th micro, or what ever it is!

Did you get a mask? You need one

P.S. Call your buddies & tell them you have a new toy, tell them to bring some beer & they can try it out. Then you can sit back with a beer while they have fun with your new toy!
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Stop spraying as soon as you dare.
I just sprayed the Medijuana for the last time (I hope), she's in week 6.
The rest of the plants will get fogged weekly for another month.

Yea keep sprayin those mamas as long as you can, I found a freakin June bug on one of my plants this morning!