Carport GreenHouse 2011


Well-Known Member
JJ you don't have to cover the roots completely with soil? In those pics of the OGs I noticed you can see some of the roots coming out of the soil. The same thing happens on my plants and I always try to cover them with dirt, but they always end up getting uncovered when I water.

After seeing your pics I am thinking it doesn't matter if there are some roots slightly out of the soil, is this correct?


Well-Known Member
ya firelane, ive had that happen as well, What i just figure is that those roots just like other roots out of the ground you see on other types of trees, Also long as the feeder roots are under the soil the plant will be fine


Well-Known Member
I try not to uncover the roots if I can, but I'm not worried about each root.

I keep them covered-up as much as I can, except right around the stalk, I try not to cover that up.



Well-Known Member
How big is a "Louiville slugger"?

Right now the OG Kush is 3.25" & growing. The Lavender is even bigger, I just can't get a picture. Maybe 3.5"-3.75"!:roll:

P.S. Added one block today, so were up with 2 blocks.

damn! maybe you guys should cut boards out of that thing and make a greenhouse or something


Well-Known Member
You know I'm just having fun. I'm as blown away by this as you are!:shock:

I just enjoy seeing you react the same as when I first see it. All I can think is "those guy's aren't gonna believe this" :-o



Well-Known Member
What's up jj-
All I have to say is some guys have the magic touch (I think they call it "having a green thumb" in the gardening loops :-P) and some don't :wall:. Brother your thumb must look like a green signal light on a lonely highway at night, you can see it from miles away! :-P
I'm sure years of do's and don'ts have helped, and info from sites like this sure help me, I'm sure your here for that reason too, well maybe at first you were.
Keep up the good work, I like bragging about you. :clap:



Well-Known Member
I vote you turn it into a ceremonial peace pipe after the a sick ass cane w/ rootball handle...definately got some girth on that thing...(thats what she said ;) )


Well-Known Member
Congratulations everyone, we are now in our 'open enrollment' period for the coveted 'Fogger Operator' certification!:clap:

You will be provided all required tools & training materials to complete the course & receive your certification.
Tools consist of new (in the box) Hudson Fogger & instruction manuel. Aftrer a 2-3hr (self taught) hands-on training session, here at our fully functional training facility, you will learn the finer points of being a 'certified' fogger operator. After only 3 or 4 more, weekly sessions, the course should be comlpeted.

Fogger operators are in high demand (at least around here) Act now, space is limited! Be the first on your block!

doublejj (instructor)



Active Member
Congratulations everyone, we are now in our 'open enrollment' period for the coveted 'Fogger Operator' certification!:clap:

You will be provided all required tools & training materials to complete the course & receive your certification.
Tools consist of new (in the box) Hudson Fogger & instruction manuel. Aftrer a 2-3hr (self taught) hands-on training session, here at our fully functional training facility, you will learn the finer points of being a 'certified' fogger operator. After only 3 or 4 more, weekly sessions, the course should be comlpeted.

Fogger operators are in high demand (at least around here) Act now, space is limited! Be the first on your block!

doublejj (instructor)
Im so jealous right now you dont even know!!!


Well-Known Member
I can get you one for $195 at the local hydro shop.

Or you can use mine, as soon as your 'certified'! Classes start soon!



Well-Known Member
I thought this would be good background track for my next update, but I don't know how. So here it is: Batter up!:-P


Edit: I found an un-edited sound track



Well-Known Member
Dam raise the roof! That songs funny JJ. Cudos for the man the grow is looking great! You dont super crop or anything? I just topped my girls hope they bush out. I cant wait to set up this green house for spring!


Well-Known Member
The plants along the garage wall were hitting the roof. So I have taken a page from Dan's book & added some pvc hoops & gained about 2'!

And 1 greenhouse pic from today

What's up jj-
I think your going to need more then 2 feet jj....
Is that you in the background again?.....O'ya, your sh*t's to big and we can't see in there any more......LMAO
Your neighborhood is going to stink to "High Hell" this fall. 25-30 lbs just feet away from the neighbors got some balls my friend!
I can't see another house from my property, but I still worry about the smell, hell I know your sh*t stinks now!
Great job again...