Caregiver to epileptic - some advice needed from others


Well-Known Member
Hi Folks, I've been growing for some time, but have been approached to be a caregiver for someone who has epilepsy. Im looking to pick the brains of anyone in the same situation, or who medicates their own epilepsy with cannabis.

What strains do you find sucesss with?
What dosage method and amount do you find works?


Something high in CBD - are you familiar with the story of Charlotte's Web?

A young girl was having hundreds of seizures a day and the parents sought out a special strain of cannabis that has little THC and high CBD, bred by a group of brothers in Colorado I think.

Her seizures reduced to just several a day.

Here are 5 strains recommended for Epilipsy: 1. Charlotte's Web · 2. ACDC · 3. Cannatonic · 4. Ringo's Gift · 5. Harlequin.


Charlotte's Web™ CBD Oil, CBD Gummies and Cream Official Site (

How often are the seizures I am care taker for my wife who has them and in general all has helped but she prefers a well balanced strain near 50/50 but not a couch lock so she sways more towards sativa. I also tend to mix strains for her say she likes one but needs something to balance it I will mix the buds in the grinder it actually gets kind of fun. she has had 1 seizure in 2 years now which is incredible.
How often are the seizures I am care taker for my wife who has them and in general all has helped but she prefers a well balanced strain near 50/50 but not a couch lock so she sways more towards sativa. I also tend to mix strains for her say she likes one but needs something to balance it I will mix the buds in the grinder it actually gets kind of fun. she has had 1 seizure in 2 years now which is incredible.
Without meds it would be daily. With meds, grand mal seizures are rare but absence siezures when tired or stressed. Ideally he would like to come down on the medsif he finds success with cannabis as a treatment.