Caregiver in california help please


Active Member
I want to be a care giver for an uncle of mine . we both have our medical cards . Now if I'm a caregiver does that mean i can grow 12 mature plant. How can i make it official that i am his caregiver or what do i have to do ?


Well-Known Member
I believe the state law is 6 mature or 12 immature unless your county or city specifies otherwise,that is if you have a doctors recommendation. The California Norml website has a list of the counties and cities that have their own guidelines plus some other info you might find useful.


Active Member
i know so if am a caregiver for my uncle he has a card to can i have 12 mature plants ? 6 that are mine and 6 that are his ?


Well-Known Member
i know so if am a caregiver for my uncle he has a card to can i have 12 mature plants ? 6 that are mine and 6 that are his ?
In short...yes...but it might just help you in court if the cops come and rip out all your plants. I wouldn't worry, bro. they're not coming after ya for 12.


Well-Known Member
I don't know. I have 4 recs, in a 3 ring binder posted in my garden. I suppose I should have a piece of paper signed by all the rec holders saying we're part of a collective. 6 plants per rec, just get your uncles rec and post it along with yours in the garden. If anyone shows up, 6 are yours, 6 are his. Simple as that.


You would contact your county department of health services, most likely, and they should have a whole process for you to go through. Such as submitting medical records, contact your recomending doctor, and fill out paper work. I don't believe caregiver status is submitted to the state like the card program. Hope this helps. Good luck to you and your uncle.


Well-Known Member
The caregiver agreement is simply a written contract assigning you as the caregiver.. It can be hand-written and signed by your Uncle, and kept by you. You don't have to do anything else. Since you are a patient yourself, that step is not required, unless you want to purchase meds for your Uncle.

Also, plant number limits of 6 mature plants per patient is a guideline established by SB420 that has since been found to be unconstitutional by a court decision. That means that now there are no plant number limits in California, and the law says that you can grow any number of plants required to supply yourself with medicine. Most patients want to keep the number below 100 plants, because that is when the federal Mandatory Minimum sentences kick in.
