Careers involving MMJ


New Member
I would love to go into a career that revolves around MMJ but I am clueless to where I should start my education. Ideally I would like to be a cannabis research scientist or a cultivator but have no clue who I could talk to that would help me with choosing a major in college. I talked with my counselor but he frowned upon the idea so I am turning to the forums for advice. Any advice would be appreciated

Thank you


Well-Known Member
Biology, Botany and Horticulture...get the theory, principles and basics and you can switch research subjects easier than your pants


Well-Known Member
Look into schools that have ethnobotany. As well, if interested in the physiology of secondary metabolites (terpenes, THC, CBD, etc) research folks doing work in those areas and check out their programs/uni

Also Plant Biochem/Physiology


Active Member
I would say chemistry for sure because it will probably be required at any accredited school for a degree, that or biology. Take chemistry and biology intro level courses in the beginning. They will give you a good overall understanding of how anything "sciency" works. It will also give you time to figure out if you really do like studying something like this in detail. Just my 2 cents. Horticulture and other classes would never be a bad idea either.


Well-Known Member
One of my friends owns a big medical seed company here in my city. I'd probably ask him if I could do some work experience/internship. Are there any seed co's or breeders near you?


Well-Known Member
To OP...for any BA/BS in science subjects introductory Bio, Chem, Math and Physics courses are required. Then you decide which direction you wish to pursue and how deep and whether theoretical or you take more advanced courses. Once you have the BA/BS you have entry level skills in the science you chose (research or applied science). Now you decide if you want grad school...MS or higher (PhD)......more courses, lots of research and writing.

You should be doing a lot of thought and web searching about your interests currently, learning the differences between applied science and theoretical/research


Well-Known Member
For starters, do NOT waste your time/$$ on basic courses designed to give you a back-round in biology or chemistry(unless you wish to study cannabanoids etc). Cultivation only requires horticultural training, preferably hands-on. You don't need to know the intricate process of photosynthesis to grow pot. The premise of cultivating cannabis is no different than any other flowering plant. However, proper drying/curing isn't taught at any school...barring those weekend seminars a few cannabis "colleges" are performing on tour throughout US med states.