CarbonScrub IN grow room=Less Aroma on Buds.!?.


Well-Known Member
Is this as simple as it seems? If you do not scrub your room obviously it will stink to high heaven, anything in or around that room will probably smell like fresh plant matter mixed with skunk. The walls, pots, lighting fixtures will probably have a strong scent of bud even if removed from an unscrubbed room.

Best way to know would to have a completely sealed grow co2 enhanced.. scrub the first run.. 2nd run don't scrub & after a nice cure, see if the unscrubbed has a stronger aroma. try to stick to the same exact method in regards to feeding and whatnot. :shock:

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
Honestly i dont think it matters. Last run i used my carbon filter and after i dried and cured it was some of the strongest smelling stuff i ever had. You could easily smell it through a ziplok back 10-20 yards away.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I am sure it doesn't matter. Though if it were true, I would like to know. I can see it being totally plausable.. Might need to e-mail mythbusters.


Well-Known Member
hahaha I wish MythBusters would put that episode out. I'm pretty sure that as long as you have your carbon scrubber up near the roof, away from the buds, they aren't stealing away any of the precious terpenes. But if you got a oscillating fan blowing right on the buds, or the Carbon scrubber right beside the buds, then yea you would definitely be losing some smell/taste and THC.


Well-Known Member
i have my cf outside of my tent so that air is being blown through rather than sucked through.i have the sleeve on the inside of the filter rather than on the outside of it.


Well-Known Member
works on the same principle but not as efficient, smell filtration will be the same efficiency, but it cuts the cfm down more than if you suck through it, i prefer this method if im air cooling my lights on the same duct as my filter. i dont know about a reduction in smell honestly my plants have stuck to high heaven either way...


Well-Known Member
I have had two 800CFM fans less than 2 feet from plants and never noticed any reduction in aroma from those harvested in sealed rooms.
